Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee
We are responsible for developing strategies to help the University to meet its research objectives.
We are responsible to Senate for the development of strategies to assist the University in meeting its research objectives.
You can read the full responsibilities of the committee in the terms of reference.
Find out about our meeting dates.
Find out about our Agenda deadlines for submitting papers
Terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
Committee members
- Professor Sarah Hainsworth (Chair), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Julie Barnett, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Chris Bowen, Faculty of E&D Associate Dean (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Andrew Brown, School of Management Associate Dean (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Emma Carmel, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Associate Dean (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Sophie Collet, Director of Research and Innovation Services, term of office ex-officio
- Professor Joe Devine, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Doctoral), term of office ex-officio
- Professor Jonathan Knight, Vice-President (Enterprise), term of office ex-officio
- Dr Britta Matthes, Co-Chair of Research Staff Working Group, term of office ex-officio
- Kate Robinson, University Librarian, term of office ex-officio
- Professor Tim Rogers, Faculty of Science Associate Dean (Research), term of office ex-officio
- Dr Filipa Vance, Head of Research Governance and Compliance, term of office ex-officio
A representative from each faculty/school with significant research and/or knowledge exchange expertise, appointed by Senate:
- To be confirmed, Engineering and Design, appointed by Senate, term of office 2027
- To be confirmed, Humanities and Social Sciences, appointed by Senate, term of office 2027
- To be confirmed, School of Management, appointed by Senate, term of office 2027
- To be confirmed, Science, appointed by Senate, term of office 2027
In attendance
- Helena Barrell, Governance Partner