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COP26 and the University of Bath

How the University and our experts are engaging with the global climate conference, and the steps we are taking to tackle the climate emergency.

Our experts and COP26

Academic experts tell us what they'd like to see achieved at the crucial COP26 conference.

Professor Nick Pearce and COP26

Professor Nick Pearce

Professor Nick Pearce, Director of the Institute for Policy Research, on how COP26 must see the completion of contributions from countries to enable 1.5°C.

Caroline Hickman and COP26

Caroline Hickman speaking to camera

Caroline Hickman speaks on the importance of listening to and acting upon children and young people's voices at COP26.

Professor Pete Walker and COP26

Professor Pete Walker

Professor Pete Walker speaks about his hopes that Western nations that their historic actions have greatly contributed to the climate crisis.

Professor Marcelle McManus and COP26

Professor Marcelle McManus speaking to camera

Marcelle McManus, Professor in Energy & Environmental Engineering and Co-Director of CSCT on her hopes for COP26 and how we can challenge industries to improve.

The latest climate research from the University of Bath

Across the University our scientists and researchers are addressing climate change in all sorts of ways. Here you can find some of our most recent climate change-related research.

The University's response to the climate emergency

As well as the research we do into understanding and tackling the climate emergency, the University as an institution is working to bring our emissions to net zero.

Screening ActNowFilm at COP26

The film features youth voices from around the world on climate and will be shown in the Green Zone at COP26. It was produced by students, the University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) and Cambridge Zero, in partnership with GAUC.

Bringing youth voices to COP26

A photo of Amy Thompson

IPR Head of Policy Programmes and Communications, Amy Thompson, shares her experience of producing ActNowFilm and amplifying youth voices at COP26.

ActNowFilm: youth voices on climate

The ActNowFilm logo

A youth voices film produced by the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) and Cambridge Zero and supported by the UK Universities Climate Network (UUCN).

The IPR COP26 blog

During COP26 the Institute for Policy Research (IPR) has commissioned a series of blogs from experts in a range of areas relating to climate change, giving their insights into the challenges and opportunities addressed at this crucial conference.

The future of heatwaves

A graphic of buildings in a heatwave

Blog: Professor David Coley looks at the future of heatwaves, highlighting the potential danger ahead and what discussions should be had at COP26 and beyond.

Climate literacy for all!

A graphic of a book with plants.

Blog: Dr Steve Cayzer, Hannah Hogarth, Eliane Bastos and Elsa Swetenham discuss the University of Bath's Climate Action Framework and Climate Literacy training.