- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

MN50591: Marketing report

Follow this link for further information on academic years Academic Year: 2016/7
Further information on owning departmentsOwning Department/School: School of Management
Further information on credits Credits: 6      [equivalent to 12 CATS credits]
Further information on notional study hours Notional Study Hours: 120
Further information on unit levels Level: Masters UG & PG (FHEQ level 7)
Further information on teaching periods Period:
Dissertation period
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Summary: CW 100%
Further information on unit assessment Assessment Detail:
  • Coursework (CW 100%)
Further information on supplementary assessment Supplementary Assessment:
Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Further information on requisites Requisites: In taking this module you cannot take MN50425
Further information on descriptions Description: Aims:
The unit aims to develop students' ability to relate marketing issues to the available academic literature, to define a research question using a real marketing problem as a base, research and review the literature on the topic with the purpose of understanding and critiquing the current state of the research, and to develop a structured commentary leading to well-supported opinions and prescriptions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
* Define a research question in a chosen area of interest.
* Identify literature relevant to a chosen marketing issue, thereby appreciating the relationship between business practice and theory.
* Systematically research and review relevant literature
* Develop an argument with references to appropriate theory and/or linking together arguments from disparate literatures or disciplinary perspectives.
* Provide a new interpretation on existing information or provide an original view on an issue. Do all of the above in written form in a report that conforms to acceptable standards of presentation and expression.


* Ability to deliver an appropriately comprehensive and scholarly written communication (F; A).
* Ability to select, summarise and synthesise written information from multiple sources (F; A).
* Ability to develop rigorous arguments through precise use of concepts and models (F; A).
* Ability to synthesise multidisciplinary perspectives on the same problem (F; A).
* Ability to formulate a research question (F; A).
* Ability to produce work to agreed specifications and deadlines (F; A).
* Ability to work independently, without close supervision or guidance (F; A).

The unit involves students identifying one current marketing issue facing a particular organisation or affecting a particular industry and performing an analysis of that issue by working with the relevant theoretical and empirical literature. Each student will choose their own subject, in line with their own experience with the content (developed in part through their selection of optional units) in the taught portion of the programme. Briefing on the aims of the thesis; literature review (with guidance); hypothesis development (with guidance); writing (with guidance).
Further information on programme availabilityProgramme availability:

MN50591 is Optional on the following programmes:

School of Management
