Professor Andrew Heath leads the Sustainable Transport Beacon, which aims to bring together researchers from across the University to solve key problems facing sustainable transportation systems. The Beacon’s initial focus is on road transportation and autonomous vehicles, with the aim to expand this to rail, maritime, and air travel.
The Beacon team involves academics from across all faculties and the school and has strong links to the Institute for Advanced automotive Propulsion Systems (IAAPS) and other existing research groups.
This Beacon brings together a wide range of interdisciplinary researchers at the University of Bath along with those in other institutes and centres to solve the key problems facing transportation into the future. The fundamental research questions we seek to address through our interdisciplinary approach are: How can travel be more sustainable?
The Beacon team’s central aim is to develop collaborative research proposals to address research challenges in sustainable transport, as well as building a multi-disciplinary research community able to address technical and non-technical challenges.
Early plans for this Beacon include developing a large project associated with autonomous vehicles and resources, organising workshops with partners, and public engagement through local councils, special interest groups and other interested parties.