The Genetics Society Public Engagement Grants
Two tiers of grants are available to fund activities that engage people with the science of genetics up to £5,000.
The Genetics Society Public Engagement Grants call guidance
Deadline: 1 March 2025
The European Society for Evolutionary Biology Outreach Initiative Fund
This fund aims to improve the knowledge and understanding of evolution by the development and delivery of evolution-related educational activities. Projects can be funded with up to €4,000 from a total fund of €12,000 available.
ESEB Outreach Initiative Fund call guidance
Deadline: 15 March 2025
NERC Opening up the Environment
The Natural Environment Research Council is inviting applications for 20 pilot grants that develop partnerships and identify the potential to increase the diversity of representation in the environmental science community. The full economic cost (FEC) of projects can be up to £62,500. NERC will fund 80% of the FEC.
NERC Opening up the Environment call guidance
Deadline: 1 April 2025, 16:00
The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Public Engagement Grant
The ASAB Public Engagement Grant aims to support the development and delivery of activities that engage and communicate the science of animal behaviour.
ASAB Public Engagement Grant call guidance
Deadline: 1 April 2025, 16:00 and 1 October, 2025 16:00
British Ecological Society Outreach and Engagement Grants
This fund is for individuals, teams and organisations to engage public audiences with ecological sciences or enhance the experience and skills of others to communicate ecology with public audiences. Providing funding is available for projects up to £2,000.
British Ecological Society Outreach and Engagement Grants call guidance
Deadlines: 11 July 2025
British Society for Immunology Communication & Engagement Grant
This funding opportunity supports public engagement activities led by members of the British Society for Immunology. Each project will receive up to £1,000 to develop and deliver initiatives that engage the public in understanding immunology. The grant scheme encourages diverse and inclusive activities targeting audiences such as schools, families, adults, and patients.
Further details about the Communication & Engagement Grant
Deadline: Applications reviewed on 1 February, 1 June, and 1 October each year.
The BSPP invite applications to this fund to activities that promote an understanding and awareness of the importance of plant pathology. Grants of up to £2,000 are available.
BSPP Plant Pathology Promotion Fund call guidance
Deadline: Open call