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Annual leave entitlements, bank and discretionary holidays

The annual leave staff are entitled to and how to calculate it.


Annual leave entitlements

Annual leave is calculated in hours for all staff, with 7.3 hours equating to one day.

Staff Group Holiday Entitlement (Hours) Holiday Entitlement (Days)
Grades 2 to 5 167.9 hours 23 days
Grades 2 to 5 (after five years' service)* 182.5 hours 25 days
Grades 6 to 9 Academic & Senior Professional Staff 189.8 hours 26 days

* Extra days as a result of length of service will be effective from the start of the leave year that follows the completion of five years' service.

Bank holidays and discretionary days

In addition to the above entitlement, all full-time staff are entitled to eight bank holidays and five discretionary days when the University is closed.

The number of bank holidays and discretionary days falling within a particular leave year can vary from year to year.

For full details of the applicable bank holiday and discretionary days, please see the Annual Leave Calculator.

Description Hours
Christmas Day − 25 December 7.3
Boxing Day − 26 December 7.3
Discretionary Day − Christmas 7.3
Discretionary Day − Christmas 7.3
Discretionary Day − Christmas 7.3
News Years Day − 1 January 7.3
Good Friday 7.3
Easter Monday 7.3
Discretionary Day − Easter (Thursday) 7.3
Early May 7.3
Spring − Late May 7.3
Late Summer − Late August 7.3
Discretionary Day − Late August (Tuesday) 7.3

This is pro-rated for part-time staff. Term-time only staff should arrange with their line manager when they will take any additional discretionary days to those listed in the table above if these fall in their non-working week.

How iTrent Employee Self-Service calculates your leave entitlement

iTrent will automatically calculate your annual leave entitlement in hours, based upon your grade and length of service. Please note that your annual leave entitlement on Employee Self-Service (ESS) will show until the end of the annual leave year, 31 August, regardless of whether you are on a fixed term contract so you will need to take this into account when calculating how much leave you have to take before the end of your contract.

The Holiday Balances screen in ESS will show the details of your annual leave entitlement including:

Glossary Definition
Leave Year Whether you are on an April or September leave year
Total Entitlement = Holiday + bank holiday + discretionary days + carry over
Taken The amount of leave that has been taken so far within the leave year, it will include holiday taken, plus bank and discretionary days.
Scheduled The leave that has been allocated, but not yet taken within the leave year. It will include holiday booked, plus bank and discretionary days due to fall on working days within your working pattern.
Balance The Balance is a particularly helpful figure, as it shows how much annual leave is available for you to book in the current leave year.

iTrent uses your working pattern to automatically remove the bank holidays and discretionary days that fall on your normal working days from your total entitlement. You are credited a proportion of bank holidays and discretionary days based on your full-time equivalent (FTE) and these are then deducted from your overall balance based on your working pattern. For example, you are credited hours for the Early May bank holiday but as Monday is your normal working day, these hours are then deducted, likewise, you are credited hours for any bank holiday/discretionary day that falls on your non-working days, however, these aren’t deducted from your balance.

If you change your working pattern, contractual hours or move positions within the University, it's important to check iTrent has been updated accordingly.

Annual Leave Calculator

To help you calculate your annual leave, please use the Annual Leave Calculator.

View your allowance or book a holiday

Employee Self Service


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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