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Bath Papers in Social Welfare, Policy & Society

Bath Papers in Social Welfare, Policy & Society is a series of papers published by the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society (CASPS).


The series of Bath Papers in Social Welfare, Policy & Society (BP-SWPS) is registered as ISSN 1369-9784. This paper series aims to provide a platform for the members of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society (CASPS), affiliated researchers, research students and colleagues external to CASPS to share early versions of research work, interesting findings, or theoretical pieces of work. The series is edited by CASPS’ Co-Directors. Papers are subject to a light anonymized peer review process by Bath-based academics (unless explicitly stated otherwise). Following the successful completion of peer review, each paper is published on this page with an active link to its PDF file

Please contact the editors or e-mail if you are interested in submitting a paper for publication.



If you have any questions, please contact us.

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