The Bribery Act 2010 came into effect in July 2011. The Act created a number of new bribery and corruption offences.
The Act makes it an offence to either directly or through a third party:
- offer, promise or give a bribe
- request, agree to receive or accept a bribe
- offer, promise or give a bribe to a foreign public official in order to obtain, or retain, business, or an advantage in the conduct of business
In addition, there is also a new corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery. Bribery is defined broadly and includes facilitation payments.
Bribery and corruption are serious criminal offences. Under the Act, offences committed by individuals can carry a maximum of 10 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine. In addition, if the University is found to have engaged in corruption then it could face an unlimited fine and significant reputational damage.
The University has a zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption, and is committed to the robust implementation of the Act. It therefore introduced its own Anti-Bribery Policy.
In addition, the University, in conjunction with Ciphr eLearning, developed an online training package which aims to provide staff with a basic understanding of the key principles of the Bribery Act, and its implications for the University. All staff are encouraged to undertake the training module, and it should be completed by all those whose work means they are at an increased risk of encountering bribery activity.