29 January: ‘Levelling Up’ – a one-day workshop including presentations, discussion and a roundtable debate featuring academics and practitioners
Research seminars
15 March: Davide Parrilli (Bournemouth University) – ‘SMES, Social Capital and the Value of Ethnic Diversity in Business’
23 April: Ilaria Mariotti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) – ‘The Surge of Remote Working and Coworking spaces. Exploring the Case of Italy Through Mixed Methods’
13 May: David Birks (University of Winchester) – 'The Art of Conducting Business Research'
14 May: Carlo Corradini (University of Reading) – 'Marshallian Agglomeration, Labour Pooling and Skills Matching'
9 October: Lynette Washington (University of South Australia) – 'Gender, Place Leadership & Regional Transformation'
9 October: David Bailey (University of Birmingham) and Sally Hardy (Publishing Consultant & Former CEO, Regional Studies Association) – 'Publishing in Top Tier Journals'
21 November: Chris Crowther (Bath Spa University) – 'Temet Nosce (Know Thyself) – What Keeps a CISO Awake at Night'
Distinguished visitors
5-6 March: Ron Boschma (University of Utrecht), winner of ‘Nobel equivalent in Geography in 2024’ – Ron gave a research seminar, and a seminar on ‘dealing with peer review’. Ron also met with faculty and PhD students and gave them feedback on their research.
1 November: Jennifer Clark (Ohio State University), Editor-in-Chief of Regional Studies – Jennifer gave a research seminar, and also met with faculty and PhD students and gave them feedback on their research.
Research seminars
16 November: Laura Norris (Cardiff University) – 'Net Zero Challenges in the Maritime Shipping Industry'
21 November: Lisa De Propris (University of Birmingham) – 'People-Centred Policies for the Triple Transition (Just, Digital and Green)'