Terms of Reference
Council Terms of Reference are set out in Section 17 of the University Statutes (Functions of the Council) as follows:
Section 17 of the University Statutes:
To appoint a Chair not being a member of Staff of Student of the University who shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. The Chair shall not hold office for more than two periods of three years, except in exceptional circumstances.
To appoint members to the Joint Committees referred to in Sections 3 and 5 of these Statutes.
To nominate to the Court persons for appointment as Pro-Chancellors.
To appoint a Treasurer.
To appoint members of the Court as provided for in these Statutes.
After consideration of such reports, recommendations or nominations as are required by these Statutes to appoint the Vice-Chancellor, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Heads of Schools and the University Librarian.
To determine the method of appointment, conditions of appointment and service, and remuneration of all Staff of the University, Academic or otherwise, and of all other persons employed or engaged by the University.
After consideration of a report from the Senate, to deprive persons of any Degrees or other distinctions or titles conferred on them, and to revoke any Diplomas or Certificates granted to them by the University either itself or jointly in conjunction with other institutions, and to withdraw all privileges connected therewith.
On the recommendation of the Senate to institute, combine or discontinue Schools, Departments, Institutes or other academic sections of the University.
To bring from time to time before the Court and the Senate any matters which in its opinion should be dealt with by these bodies respectively.
In accordance with Article 29 of the Charter, jointly with the Senate to recommend Special Resolutions to the Court.
In accordance with Article 23 of the Charter to make Ordinances.
To govern, manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, business and all affairs whatsoever of the University, and for these purposes to appoint bankers, and any other officers or agents whom it may think fit to appoint, and to cause proper books of account to be kept for all sums of money received and expended by the University, and for the assets and liabilities of the University, so that such books give a true and fair view of the state of the University's affairs and explain its transactions; provided that, before determining any question of finance which affects the academic policy of the University, the Council shall take into consideration any recommendation or report thereon by the Senate.
To invest any monies belonging to or held by the University in any manner as the Council shall from time to time think fit, in any part of the world, or in the purchase of freehold or leasehold hereditaments in the United Kingdom, including rents; provided that in the case of moneys held by the University as trustees the powers conferred by this paragraph shall be exercised subject to the provisions of the governing trust instrument.
To sell, buy, exchange, lease and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the University.
To borrow money on behalf of the University, and for that purpose, if the Council thinks fit, to mortgage, or charge all or any part of the property of the University, whether real or personal, unless the conditions of any Will, Deed or Gift or other similar instrument are thereby contravened, and to give such other security whether real or personal property or otherwise as the Council may think fit.
To provide the buildings, premises, furniture and equipment and other means required for carrying on the work of the University and maintaining its efficiency and well-being.
To provide at its discretion for the welfare of all persons in the employment of the University or formerly in the employment of the University and of the College and the spouses, widows, widowers, and dependants of such persons including the payment of money, pensions or other payments and to subscribe to benevolent and other funds for the benefit of such person.
To consider, adjudicate upon, and, if thought fit, redress any grievance of the Academic and other Staff of the University, the Graduates and the Students of the University who may for any reason feel aggrieved otherwise than by an act of the Court or by an act taken in accordance with the provisions of Sections 19 or 25 of these Statutes.
To enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University, subject to the provisions of Section 25 of these Statutes in those cases where Section 25 applies.
To determine all University fees.
To accept, reject or refer back any recommendation made by the Senate; provided that no such recommendation may be rejected unless the Senate is informed of the reasons for such rejections and is given an opportunity to comment thereon to the Council.
To call for reports from the Senate and by receiving such reports to review the work of the University.
Subject to the powers of the Senate, to take such action as it may think fit to advance the teaching and research, the interests and general efficiency of the University, and to provide for the recreation and welfare of the Students and Staff of the University.
To establish Joint Committees of the Council and representatives of the Students' Union and to prescribe the method of appointment of such representatives and the functions of such committees.
To select a Seal and a Mace for the University and to have the sole custody and use of the Seal and under detailed provisions to be contained in the Ordinances to provide that the use of the Seal and its witnessing or the execution of deeds on behalf of the University by Officers of the University and those persons nominated by the Council for this purpose may be dealt with as if the University was a Company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 or under any legislation in substitution therefore and in accordance with any resolution of the Council relating to the use of the Seal or the execution of deeds.
To exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Council by the Charter, these Statutes and the Ordinances and to carry them into effect.
To appoint the External Auditor.
On the recommendation of the Senate to make, amend, add to or repeal Statutes in accordance with Article 21 of the Charter.
To consider representations from the Court on any matter affecting the University.
To delegate, upon such conditions as it may determine, and to revoke the delegation of, any of its functions to committees of the Council, joint committees of the Council and the Senate, the Vice-Chancellor or other Officers of the University. Such delegation may include delegation of powers of appointment and powers of investment. Any delegation of functions shall be explicit and a matter of record.
To delegate the management of investments to one or more fund managers who are authorised and exempted persons under the Financial Services and Market Act 2000.
Under the provisions of Section 22 of the Education Act 1994, to take such steps as are reasonably practicable to secure that the Students' Union operates in a fair and democratic manner and is accountable for its finances.
Procedural Rules
The Procedural rules of Council are set out in its Standing Orders.
A member may serve for not more than a total of 9 (nine) years save in exceptional circumstances.
Delegated authorities are set out in the Scheme of Delegation.
July 2022