Research policy – Special Issue: Citizens of Nowhere? Migration, Research and Innovation
September 2018
This special publication welcomed theoretical, empirical and methodological studies on the careers and networks of STEM migrants (those with degrees or jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and the impact of STEM migration on scientific research and innovation activities in destination and/or origin countries.
Guest editors included: Stefano Breschi, ICRIOS, Bocconi University, Milan (Italy) Cornelia Lawson, University of Bath (UK) Francesco Lissoni, GREThA, Universite de Bordeaux (France) Andrea Morrison, Utrecht University (Netherlands) Ammon Salter, University of Bath (UK) Research Policy lead editor: Elisa Giuliani, University of Pisa (Italy).
The 12th Workshop on the organization, economics and policy of scientific research
27-28 April 2018
In April 2018, we hosted the annual international workshop on 'The Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research', co-financed by the Royal Economic Society. The workshop is a platform for the growing community of scholars in various subfields of economics, management and geography interested in the processes behind the organisation of science.
The 18 presentations included talks from:
- Sifan Zhou (Xiamen University) on gender biases in citations
- Maryann Feldman (UNC) on inconsistencies in indirect costing of university funding
- Rossella Salandra (Imperial College) on integrity in scientific research
- John Walsh (Georgia Tech) on integrity in scientific research
The workshop provided a platform particularly for young researchers to discuss their work with esteemed scholars in the field and to receive feedback for their projects.
Sifan Zhou (junior academic) said: "I enjoyed the workshop and Bath very much. I got great comments and suggestions for my paper. The attendees are sharp and friendly, insightful and supportive. I got the precious chance to talk with senior researchers whose papers I had read and cited but never met in person before. I also got the opportunity to talk with other junior researchers and found at least two of them with possibilities for future collaboration. I hope to attend more of this workshop series in the future."
The workshop was organised by Cornelia Lawson, who is also the head of the scientific committee whose members include Paula Stephan, Paul David, Jacques Mairesse, Michele Cincera, Fabio Montobbio and Aldo Geuna all of whom attended the event in Bath.
2nd CREI@Bath workshop
8-9 March 2018
Following the success of the inaugural workshop in March 2017 (details below), we hosted the 2nd CREI@Bath workshop in March 2018.
Strategy Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) consortium
15-16 September 2017
The annual Strategy Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) consortium is an initiative between five European business schools - Bocconi University, Copenhagen Business School, HEC Paris, Imperial College London, and London Business School - with the aim of increasing interaction among European researchers working in strategy, entrepreneurship and innovation.
So far, SEI events have attracted over 400 participants from over 60 different European business schools.
The 2017 consortium was organised by CREI@Bath, with a number of selected students presenting their research. Each student presented their work for 15 minutes and a dedicated senior discussant provided critical feedback before comments from the audience. The audience was composed, largely, of faculty members including academics in editorial positions at leading journals (eg. Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Research Policy, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Venturing).
Read more about the consortium.
Inaugural workshop
2-3 March 2017
CREI@Bath hosted its inaugural peer assist workshop in March 2017. The workshop maximised developmental feedback, focusing on enabling collaboration and engagement between scholars about their early stage work.
To this end, the workshop was structured around three forms of presentations:
- a paper pitch - the outline of an initial idea for a project or paper (1-2 page outline of idea and 2-3 slides in Powerpoint), which received comments from two discussants
- a formative paper presentation - an early stage paper (4-6 page version of a paper, 5-7 slides in Powerpoint), which received comments from two discussants
- enriching a working paper - a full working paper with comments from a dedicated discussant.
Participants included: Anne ter Wal (Imperial), Bruce Tether (MBS), Daniel W. Elfenbein (Olin), Elena Novelli (CASS), Francesco Castellaneta (SKEMA), Linus Dahlander (ESMT), Holger Patzelt (TUM), Janet Bercovitz (Illinois), Lars Frederiksen (Aarhus), Luca Berchicci (RSM), Marco Giarratana (IE), Martin Hoegl (LMU), Myriam Mariani (Bocconi), Paola Criscuolo (Imperial), Thorsten Grohsjean (Bocconi), Ute Stephan (Aston), Wolfgang Sofka (CBS) and Wouter.