Find out Education Advisory Board's meeting dates and membership.
Education Advisory Board (EAB) is an executive body that develops and monitors KPIs to adjust and ensure operational delivery. Senate (or Education, Quality and Standards Committee, as delegated by Senate) as a governance body will approve the KPIs and will evaluate performance against KPIs overall, including providing assurance that the monitoring has been conducted well.
Under our Statutes, Senate is responsible for the academic work of the University, in particular for the strategic development of the academic activities of the University and for the approval of policies to promote and ensure the quality and standards of the academic work of the University, including teaching, research and knowledge exchange.
Primary responsibilities
- To provide advice and support to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global) in setting the policies and strategic direction of the University in relation to education in the national and international context.
- To oversee the University’s progress against its Education Strategic Implementation Plan (ESIP) as part of the wider University of Bath Strategy 2021 to 2026.
- To develop and monitor Education KPIs for the institution on behalf of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global) that are approved by Senate.
- Consider how the conduct of its business could affect compliance with the University’s free speech duties.
Education issues affecting:
- All parts of the taught student community – undergraduate and postgraduate, distance and campus-based, full -time, part-time, online courses and apprentice programmes. The relationship between Education Advisory Board and doctoral students will be reviewed as the Research Advisory Board becomes established.
- All stages of the student lifecycle, from recruitment through to graduation.
- All issues which directly affect students’ academic experience of their education, but wider student experience issues will be considered by the Student Experience Advisory Board.
- To provide advice and support to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global) in setting the policies and strategic direction of the University in relation to education in the national and international context.
- To monitor institutional performance against KPIs, escalating any issues and risks identified up to the Vice-Chancellor (University Executive Board - UEB), as appropriate, and report these to Senate.
- To support the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global) by providing advice on decisions relating to the operational delivery of education.
- To establish subgroups and commissioned projects as required to investigate, report on, and implement work on specific issues relating to education provision. To receive progress reports from subgroups and commissioned projects.
- To make recommendations regarding implications for the student academic education experience flowing from the University policies and practices, with appropriate reference to Senate (or nominated sub-committee) for regulatory oversight and referral to the Student Experience Advisory Board on matters pertaining to the wider student experience.
- Maintain appropriate consultation and communication with all relevant stakeholders, including, in particular, the Student Experience Advisory Board and the Doctoral College.
Procedural Rules
- Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education & Global)
- Deputy Chair: Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Enhancement)
- Quorum: One third of membership
- Alternates: Ex-officio members may be represented by alternates if required
- Co-optees & attendance: Education Advisory Board and its committees may co-opt additional members as appropriate to address specific themes that contribute to the strategic work of the committee. Co-option shall be for one year at a time with co-option to be renewed by the Chair. Education Advisory Board and its sub-groups may invite additional students and staff as appropriate to attend meetings to discuss or advise on specific items on the relevant agenda. Ad hoc and regular attendees attend by invitation of the Chair.
- Rules for voting: None specified
- Reporting line: Reports to the Vice-Chancellor, who is also advised by the University Executive Board
- Minutes: Summary report submitted to University Executive Board. The Chair or delegated person will report on matters arising from the minutes at UEB.
- Meeting frequency: Every two months or as determined by cycle of business
- Confidentiality: All meeting papers are confidential
- Secretary: Academic Registry (as nominated by Chair)