Education, Quality and Standards Committee
Provides assurance to Senate on the quality and standards of our educational provision in line with external and internal frameworks and compliance requirements
Read the full responsibilities of the committee in the terms of reference.
Find out about our meeting dates and read the minutes of our meetings.
Find out the agenda deadlines for Education, Quality and Standards Committee meetings
Terms of office expire on 31 July in the year stated.
- Prof Julian Chaudhuri, (Chair), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Global), ex-officio
- Prof Momna Hejmadi, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education Quality and Enhancement), ex-officio
- Amber Snary, SU Education Officer, ex-officio
- Prof Richard Jackson, co-opted member, term of office 2027
- Dr Lucy Noble, co-opted member, term of office 2027
- Prof Adrian Evans, Senate appointed, term of office 2027
Routine attendees
- Sascha Athey, Head of Academic Quality and Standards
- Ian Blenkharn, Director of Education and Student Services
- Prof Andrew Burrows, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Science
- Dr Christopher Bonfield, Director of the Centre for Learning and Teaching
- Prof Gail Forey, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Prof Nathalia Gjersoe, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience - Student Voice)
- Prof Marion Harney, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering and Design
- Ryan Lucas, Education Manager, Students' Union
- Rachel Sheer, Director of Academic Registry
- Dr Tim Wakeley, Associate Dean (Education), School of Management
- A member of Academic Registry, Secretary