Researcher Development Programme 2023-24
Semester 1
All courses will take place online.
Course name | Who should attend* | Date / Time | Delivery format | RDF** | Registration Link |
Networking for career development | Relationship-building inside and outside of your research field is crucial for the success of your research and career development. | 10-October-2023 | 1:15pm-2:30pm | B3 D2 | Register |
Applying for jobs outside of academia | This session will help you to market the skills and experience you have gained as a researcher in applications for jobs outside of academia.. | 16-October-2023 | 1:30pm-2:30pm | B3, D2 | Register |
Principles, influence and negotiation | TAll staff who want to learn more about influencing or negotiating along management lines, or with colleagues and collaborators. | 19-October-2023 | 1:30pm-4:30pm | B1 C1, D1 | Register |
How to give a good presentation (Potential Energy) | Exploring and exposing what we do intellectually, emotionally and physically when we communicate effectively. | 27-October-2023 | 2pm-5pm | B1, B3, D2, D3 | Register |
Applying for jobs inside of academia | This session will help you to market the skills and experience you have gained as a researcher in applications for jobs outside of academia. | 7-November-2023 | 1pm-2pm | B3 | Register |
Sharing Research Data | This workshop will cover the rationales, policies and challenges involved in sharing research data openly | 8-November-2023 | 9.30am-4.30pm | D21, D3 | Register |
Building Confidence (An Imposter Calls) | A workshop for all staff who wish to build and develop their own sense of confidence. | 9-November-2023 | 2pm-5pm | B1, D1 | Register |
How to write a research paper: in the sciences | All researchers in the sciences/engineering and design/social sciences who want to learn how to write and showcase your research in a publishable paper that will demonstrate originality, significance and rigour. | 14-November-2023 | 10am-12.30pm | A1, A2, A3, C1, D2 | Register |
Priorities, time and self management | All staff who want a review of patterns of time and self-management, and practical suggestions for enhancing them through conscious choices based on personal and meaningful priorities. | 14-November-2023 | 1.30pm-4.30pm | B1, B2, | Register |
How to write a research paper: in engineering and design | All researchers in the sciences/engineering and design/social sciences who want to learn how to write and showcase your research in a publishable paper that will demonstrate originality, significance and rigour. | 16-November-2023 | 10am-12.30pm | A1, A2, A3, C1, D2 | Register |
How to write a research paper: in the social sciences | All researchers in the sciences/engineering and design/social sciences who want to learn how to write and showcase your research in a publishable paper that will demonstrate originality, significance and rigour. | 17-November-2023 | 10am-12.30pm | A1, A2, A3, C1, D2 | Register |
Open software/code | It will cover the motivation, policies and challenges involved in open research software/code, as well as the various options available to researchers to share software/code. | 20-November-2023 | 10am-1pm | D2, D3 | Register |
LinkedIn at lunchtime | LinkedIn is an essential professional networking tool; increasingly recruiters are using it to find, connect with and research potential candidates. | 21-November-2023 | 1.15pm-14:05pm | B3 | Register |
Open access | The workshop will include examples relevant to open access and participants will be able to raise questions and discuss any concerns. | 23-November-2023 | 10.15am-12:05pm | D2 | Register |
Developing a grant proposal | This workshop creates a structured opportunity to give and receive peer feedback on a section of writing for a grant. | 29-November-2023 | 10am-12:30pm | A3, C3 | Register |
Resilience | In this interactive, online workshop, you’ll learn and practice the fundamentals of resilience, so you can respond to challenge and change effectively. | 1-December-2023 | 9.30am-12:30pm | B2 | Register |
Introduction to Project Management | This online workshop provides a high-level overview of key project management techniques and concepts. | 04-December-2023 | 9:30am-4:30pm | C2 , C3 | Register |
Successful interviews | This workshop will help you know what to expect from interviews for jobs inside and outside of research and how to prepare effectively. | 7-December-2023 | 10.15am-11:45am | B3 | Register |
Pre-Registration | This workshop will provide an introduction to Pre-Registration | 8-December-2023 | 10am-1pm | A1, A5, C1, C2, D2,D3 | Register |
Being a more effective networker (Cross Purposes) | All staff who find networking challenging and wish to gain more confidence in developing themselves and their networks. | 11-December-2023 | 10am-1pm | B3, D1 | Register |
Preprints: an introduction | Preprints offer a route for disseminating research before formal peer review, which provides advantages but also raises questions. | 12-December-2023 | 11am-12:30pm | A1 | Register |
Careers in academia | This workshop will help you find out about routes into an academic career and what academic recruiters are looking for. | 14-December-2023 | 10.15am-12:15pm | B3 | Register |
These workshops may be run again in semester two depending on demand. Please join the waiting list even if a workshop is fully booked as this will help us to prioritise your needs.
*Please consider this descriptor when before booking. Any queries regarding course suitability can be emailed to
**RDF: Researcher Development Framework. You can download this here to guide you when considering the right professional development for you at your career stage.
Semester 2
All courses will take place online.
During Semester 2 we also running a series of online career workshops designed specifically for postdocs to help to tackle the challenges in making career decisions.
Course name | Who should attend* | Date / Time | Delivery format | RDF** | Registration Link |
How to give a good presentation (Potential Energy) | By exploring and exposing what we do intellectually, emotionally and physically when we communicate effectively. | 12-February-2024 | 10:00am-1:00pm | Online | Register |
Introduction to Research Data Management at Bath | An introduction to sustainable research data management practices to help you manage the data throughout its lifecycle. This course is aimed at Doctoral Students beginning their research projects. | 14-February-2024 | 10:15am-11:15am | Online | Register |
Networking for career development | Relationship-building inside and outside of your research field is crucial fo the success of your research and career development | 20-February-2024 | 1:15pm-2:05pm | Online | Register |
Literature searching in PsychINFO & PsychEXTRA | This presentation will give you a detailed overview of how to find documents with APA PsycNet-hosted PsycInfo and PsycExtra. | 23-February-2024 | 1:15pm-2:05pm | Online | Register |
Applying for jobs outside of academia | This session will help you to market the skills and experience you have gained as a researcher in applications for jobs outside of academia. | 28-February-2024 | 1.15pm-2.30pm | Online | Register |
Sharing Research Data | A workshop covering the rationales, policies and challenges involved in sharing research data openly. | 28-February-2024 | 10:15am-11.15am | Online | Register |
Open access: what, why and how? | The workshop will include examples relevant to open access and participants will be able to raise questions and discuss any concerns. | 29-February-2024 | 10:15am-12.05pm | Online | Register |
Literature searching: ERIC, BEI and A+ Education | This presentation will give you a detailed overview of how to find documents with EBSCOhost's ERIC, the British Education Index and Informit's A+ Education. | 1-March-2024 | 1:15pm-2.05pm | Online | Register |
Applying for jobs inside of academia | This session will help you to market the skills and experience you have gained as a researcher in applications for jobs inside of academia. | 5-March-2024 | 1:15pm-2:15pm | Online | Register |
Open software/code | The session will cover the motivation, policies and challenges involved in open research software/code. | 8-March-2024 | 10:15am-1:15pm | Online | Register |
Literature searching: Scopus | This presentation will give you a detailed explanation of what Scopus is and how you can search it effectively. | 08-March-2024 | 1:15pm-2:05pm | Online | Register |
Managing your digital identity as a researcher: strategies and case studies | What's your digital footprint doing for you? Come to this workshop to explore inspiring case studies and consider how to build your scholarly reputation online. | 8-March-20234 | 2:15pm-4:05pm | Online | Register |
Preprints | Preprints offer a route for disseminating research before formal peer review, which provides advantages, but also raises questions. | 12-March-2024 | 10.15am-1:15pm | Online | Register |
Pre-registration | This will cover the rationales, policies and challenges involved in pre-registration for different kinds of research. | 13-March-2024 | 10:15am-12:15pm | Online | Register |
Creative Thinking for Researchers | Where and when do you get your best ideas? What do you do when you feel blocked or demotivated? | 14-March-2024 | 1:30pm-4:00pm | Online | Register |
Alternative Format Theses: issues and challenges | Covers the essentials of producing an alternative format thesis (thesis containing publications) or a portfolio with papers, including publication types and versions, publisher copyright issues, licenses and permissions.. | 14-March-2024 | 10:15am-12:05pm | Online | Register |
LinkedIn at lunchtime | LinkedIn is an essential professional networking tool. | 19-March-2024 | 1:15pm-2:05pm | Online | Register |
Literature searching in Computer Science: ACM Digital Library | This workshop will provide an introduction on how to use ACM Digital Library to search for research publications. | 19-March-2023 | 10:15am-11:05am | Online | Register |
Literature and data searching in engineering and design | This session will provide an overview of the best resources for finding journal articles, information and data to support engineering and design research. | 19-March-2024 | 2:15pm-4.05pm | Online | Register |
Commercial awareness: tools to prepare for job searching and interviews | An introduction to a range of business and market research resources that could really give you an edge in you job applications and interviews. | 20-March-2024 | 2:15pm-4:05pm | Online | Register |
Finding statistics and data in social sciences | Tips for resource discovery and finding useful statistical resources in the area, including freely available resources. | 21-March-2024 | 10.15am-12:05pm | Online | Register |
Using MathSciNet: Finding mathematical literature for your research | An introduction on how ot use ACM Digital Libray to search for research publications. | 21-March-2024 | 1.15pm-2:05pm | Online | Register |
Using Embase: Finding biomedical literature for your research | A detailed overview on how to use the medical literature database Embase. | 22-March-2024 | 10.15am-12:05pm | Online | Register |