These funding scheme are available to new UK students entering Year 1 of studies in 2019. They are designed to help you with course costs while at university and will be paid in instalments.
Gold Scholarship Programme (GSP)
£5,000* bursary per year of study, including unpaid placement and study year abroad periods (you will not be eligible for a bursary during a paid placement year).
You need to:
- be an eligible** UK student
- be registered on a full-time campus based undergraduate or foundation degree programme
- have an household income assessment of £25,000 of below
- have applied for a GSP before the application deadline, prior to commencing Year1 of studies at Bath.
You must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- your home is in a neighbourhood with low participation of young people in higher education (quintile areas 1 and 2 qualify)
- your school/college performance is below average
- you are a care leaver
- you or your family receive a state means tested benefit
- you have completed an Access to HE Diploma
- you are irreconcilably estranged from your parent(s) or guardian(s)
- you are a young carer
- you are a refugee or asylum seeker
- your home address is in an area of lower social mobility according to ACORN data analysis.
If successful in receiving an award you will also be required to commit to participating in range of activities to help you to make the most your Bath experience and develop your career aspiration, including:
- 50 hours of volunteering, fundraising or outreach a year
- alumni mentoring
- personal development, networking and Skills training sessions
- support with placements and internships
- pastoral support networks
You may have applied for both the Gold Scholarship Programme and a Bath Bursary, but you will only receive one award if successful.
This award closes for applications on 30 August 2018.
The Bath Bursary
£3,000* per year of study, including unpaid placement and study year abroad periods (you will not be eligible for a bursary during a paid placement year).
You need to:
- be an eligible** UK student
- be registered on a full-time campus based undergraduate or foundation degree programme
- have an household income assessment of £25,000 of below
You must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- your home is in a neighbourhood with low participation of young people in higher education (quintile areas 1 and 2 qualify)
- your school/college performance is below average
- you are a care leaver
- you or your family receive a state means tested benefit
- you have completed an Access to HE Diploma
- you are irreconcilably estranged from your parent(s) or guardian(s)
- you are a young carer
- you are a refugee or asylum seeker
- your home address is in an area of lower social mobility according to ACORN data analysis.
- your home address is in an area of lower social mobility according to ACORN data analysis.
You cannot receive the Bath Bursary fi you are in receipt of a Gold Scholarship Programme.
This award closes for applications on 24 January 2019.
Bursaries for the Foundation Degree in Addictions Counselling
£3,000 bursary in Year 1 and 2.
If you are eligible you will receive:
You need to:
- be an eligible** UK student
- be registered on a full-time campus based undergraduate or foundation degree programme
- have an household income assessment of £25,000 of below
This award closes for applications on 24 January 2019.
Bursaries for the Honours Year Top Up Foundation Degree in Addiction Counselling
£3,000.00 bursary in Year 1 and 2.
You need to:
- be an eligible UK student
- be registered on the full-time Foundation Degree in Addictions Counselling and
- have a household income assessment of £25,000 or below
This award closes for applications on 24 January 2019.
Bursaries for the Part 2 Masters in Architecture (campus based)
- Year 1 a £1,000 bursary (if your placement is unpaid)
- Year 1 a £500 bursary (if your placement is paid)
- Year 2 a £1,000 bursary
You need to:
- be an eligible UK student
- have started your BSc Architecture undergraduate degree in 2012 or later
- be registered on the full-time Part 2 Masters in Architecture degree programme
- have a household income assessment of £25,000 or below
You must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- your home is in a neighbourhood with low participation of young people in higher education (quintile areas 1 and 2 qualify)
- your school/college performance is below average
- you are a care leaver
- you or your family receive a state means tested benefit
- you have completed an Access to HE Diploma
- you are irreconcilably estranged from your parent(s) or guardian(s)
- you are a young carer
- you are a refugee or asylum seeker
- your home address is in an area of lower social mobility according to ACORN data analysis.
This award closes for applications on 24 January 2019.
For detailed information about all of these schemes please read the terms and conditions for undergraduate bursaries and scholarships 2019/20.
Additional terms apply to the Gold Scholarship Programme in addition to the main T&Cs.
For year 2 and 3 of your thin sandwich course the bursary will be pro rata across these years.
* Eligible UK students are those that are classed so UK ( England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland), as assessed for student support purposes, as determined by Student Finance England or other relevant UK student loans awarding agency and have a fees status Home UK as determined by the University.