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Medical device regulations – Interactive workshop with RegMetrics

Join us for this workshop to learn the first key aspects of medical device regulations.

  • 11 Mar 2025, 11.15am to 1.15pm GMT
  • Chancellors Building 3.9, The Chancellors' Building, University of Bath
  • This event is free

Are you developing a device for the health sector? Are you unsure if you need to adhere to the Medical Device Regulations? Or what the risk classification of your medical device is according to the Medical Device Regulations? Or which requirements a medical device need to conform to? Then this workshop is for you.

The objective of this workshop is to learn the first key aspects of the medical device regulations: to determine when a product is a medical device, what the risk classification of the device is and what the next steps are.

Who should attend?

People who are working in the area of medical devices / digital health solutions, including: academic researchers, clinicians, science students, innovators, start up’s, SME’s, research council, research services and tech transfer support.

What will I learn?

By the end of the workshop delegates will be able to:

  • identify if a device / digital health solution is a medical device
  • classify a medical device according to the Medical Device Regulation European Union(EU) risk levels.
  • find the requirements that medical devices need to conform too
  • hands on experience in using the regulatory tool: RegMetrics


Join us in CB 3.9.

Chancellors Building 3.9 The Chancellors' Building University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions about this workshop please contact the Technology Transfer team.