We’re developing an ambitious Research Culture Strategy at the University of Bath. As our priorities and core work streams become clearer, we want to ensure that we have clear, meaningful, and responsible ways of understanding whether we are meeting the aims and objectives we’ve set ourselves.
This workshop will aim to develop consensus on the most meaningful ways to assess our progress on Research Culture across our six strategic pillars, and provide a transparent framework for evaluation and reporting that will help us continue to learn and improve.
The workshop will explore:
- Which indicators offer the truest/ most insightful evaluation on whether we are meeting our ambitions?
- Which measures are responsible? (Might they disadvantage/ discriminate against anyone? Might they be gamed? Can we imagine unintended consequences? Does the cost of evaluating outweigh the benefit?)
Who should attend?
Anyone who has:
- expertise in research assessment, research on research, or evaluation methods
- an interest or stake in how we might evaluate excellence in one of our research culture pillars: career development, research recognition, collegiality, open research, ethics and integrity, and research design
- access to qualitative or quantitative data which might contribute to our understanding of our research culture.