About this page
If you have a question about academic probation, this page is a good place to start. Here you'll find key information (although it is not an exhaustive list).
If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for or you require more information, please read our detailed academic probation guide page and/or the Career Progression in the Education & Research job family framework.
Probation arrangements
How probation review dates are decided
Your review dates are calculated using:
- your position start date
- contract type
- Academic Staff Committee meeting dates
All reviews must take place within the three or one year period (dependent on your contract type) which is why all reviews are not exactly 12 or six months in between.
Your review dates are listed on your Probationer Details (or home screen) in the Career Progression Portal (CPP).
Reporting and assessing progress
Assessment of your progress
Progress will be assessed by Academic Staff Committee with comments and recommendations provided by your Head of Department/Division (or Reviewer for some Departments) and Dean of Faculty/School.
When you start, you will agree a set of probationary objectives with your Head of Department/Division/Reviewer and Dean of Faculty/School.
Your progress against these objectives will be assessed using the criteria for passing probation found within the Career Progression in the Education & Research Framework document.
Reporting on your progress
You should report on your progress against your objectives within the Probation Progress Report section of the Career Progression Portal (CPP). Detailed guidance on how to do this can be found on our CPP guide page.
Exceptional circumstances
Finishing probation early
You are required to report on progress against objectives at each review and therefore are unable to have probation confirmed as complete before your end of probation date. However, in exceptional circumstances there are processes available to apply for exemption from probation or to be promoted out of probation should you meet the necessary criteria.
Read the exemption from probation request form for guidance on the criteria to meet and how to submit a request. Requests must be made initially to the Academic Staff Development Team at acdev@bath.ac.uk.
Read our academic promotion web page to find out more about the criteria and process for applying.
How we take part-time contracts into account
For those on part-time contracts, at each review ASC will take into consideration your FTE (full time equivalent) to make reasonable adjustments when assessing progress.
ASC understand that the quantity maybe be reduced compared to what is expected from a full time role, but the quality will still be at the same level.
If you go on long-term sick or parental leave
If you are on long-term sick leave or are about to take maternity leave, your Head of Department/Division should inform the Learning & Organisational Development Advisor via hr-academic-staff-committee@bath.ac.uk so that your probation can be put on hold for the duration of your leave and your remaining review dates and end of probation date revised when you return.
The Learning & Organisational Development Advisor will formally write to you letting you know this and when informed of your return date, will write to you again with the revised probation arrangements.