Booking the coach
Booking for September 2024 is now closed. Find out other ways to (travel to Bath)[].
Please allow at least 2.5 hours (150 minutes) between your flight arrival time and selected coach departure, to allow time for border control, security and luggage collection. You will need to check in for the coach 30 minutes before departure.
Departure date | From | Departure times | Status |
Friday 20 September | Heathrow Airport | 10:00 (BST) | Closed |
Friday 20 September | Heathrow Airport | 12:00 (BST) | Closed |
Friday 20 September | Heathrow Airport | 14:00 (BST) | Closed |
Friday 20 September | Heathrow Airport | 16:00 (BST) | Closed |
Friday 20 September | Heathrow Airport | 17:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 09:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 10:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 11:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 12:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 13.30 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 15:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 16:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 17:00 (BST) | Closed |
Saturday 21 September | Heathrow Airport | 18:00 (BST) | Closed |
Sunday 22 September | Heathrow Airport | 12:00 (BST) | Closed |
Sunday 22 September | Heathrow Airport | 15:00 (BST) | Closed |
FAQs and enquiries
If you have any further questions or would like to contact us, please see our Frequently Asked Questions below:
- Do I have to pay for this service?
- Can my family/friends come on the coach with me?
- What are the luggage restrictions?
- How much time do I need between my flight arrival time and the coach departure?
- Once at Heathrow airport where do I meet the coach?
- How do I get to Heathrow Terminal 2 from other Heathrow Terminals?
- What if I have any problems on the day or can’t find the meeting point?
- What happens if my flight is delayed?
- How long does the journey take?
- Where does the coach stop?
- I am staying in University accommodation; how will I get my keys? Will I be taken to my accommodation?
- I am staying in private accommodation; how will I get there? Will the coach drop me off?
- My flight arrives too late for/after the last coach of the day, what should I do?
- What do I do if I arrive outside of the set dates?
- If my flight arrives at another airport what do I do?
- If I don’t use this service how else can I get to the University?
- Enquiries