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Preparing for graduate numeracy tests

Find resources and support to help you to prepare for your placement or graduate recruitment numeracy tests.

Preparing for numeracy tests

When you apply for a placement or a graduate position you may be required to complete a range of psychometric tests. You can find more information about the range of tests from Careers.

Numeracy tests are one type of psychometric test. You can prepare for these tests in a number of ways.

Use our online resources

In the Numeracy for Careers section of the online MASH resources you can access a collection of online resources for graduate numeracy testing, including:

  • resources for particular numeracy topics
  • practice tests

Ask for help in a MASH drop-in

The Mathematics Resources Centre has a daily drop-in open to all members of the University. We offer a range of mathematical and statistical support including help with numeracy tests in these drop-ins. For instance, you can ask about:

  • a specific numeracy topic
  • specific practice questions from the online resources or elsewhere
  • finding additional resources
  • planning how to improve your numeracy

There is a drop-in every day during term time. Please see our drop-in timetable to find a day and time which suits you.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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