This is the formal partnership committee within the University for consultation and negotiation in respect of collective matters within the remit of this Agreement relating to employees of the University. Any agreement reached shall be subject to ratification by the University under the auspices of and in line with the scheme of delegation from Council.
a) To provide a forum to promote the closest co-operation and understanding and to provide a recognised and systematic means of communication, consultation and negotiation between the University management and staff.
b) To provide the forum to consult fully, before University leaders reach a decision, on University Human Resources policies and procedures, plans or other proposed changes to structures and arrangements within the University.
c) To provide the forum for information and consultation with trades union representatives on a confidential basis about the University’s strategic position including financial and other performance and potential future changes to work organisation or contractual relations and arrangements including restructuring and other change.
The JUCNC shall consist of the lead local representative plus one further representative of each of the three recognised trades unions, the Director of Human Resources (Chair), the Director of Finance and Commercial Services and the Deputy Director of Human Resources. In addition a note-taker will attend the meeting.
The members of the Committee may be represented by deputies (who are members of the University) if they are unable to attend. With prior notice either side may invite specific adviser(s) or officer(s) to attend for specific items.
A quorum for the JUCNC shall consist of one representative from each of the three recognised trades unions including at least one lead local representative and two University members including either the Director or Deputy Director of Human Resources.
Meetings of the Committee shall be held on a bi-monthly basis. If an item for the agenda is received by the Director of Human Resources in their role as Management Secretary, which requires consideration before the next JUCNC meeting then they may organise an Extraordinary JUCNC meeting.
The Committee may establish a sub-committee of the members to consider or advise on matters which may come before it.
Agenda and notes
An agenda shall be agreed by the Director of Human Resources (acting as the Management Secretary) in liaison with the lead local representatives of the three recognised Trade Unions. The Director of Human Resources will be responsible for distributing the agenda and papers at least five working days before the date of the meeting to the members of the Committee.
Urgent and important items may be added to the JUCNC agenda after a discussion with the Chair prior to the meeting commencing.
Draft notes shall be produced normally within 15 working days of the JUCNC meeting. The notes will then by agreed with the lead local representatives.