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Concessionary arrangements for staff

If you have received a proposal from an external body to offer benefits or concessions to staff it will need to be evaluated by the Director of Human Resources.


Any proposal from a commercial body to offer benefits or concessions to staff in their capacity as University staff must be referred initially to the Director of Human Resources.

In consultation with appropriate colleagues, each proposal will then be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:

  • whether the apparent benefit to individual staff, or to the University as a whole, is real when compared with other options
  • whether the scheme will disadvantage staff in any way
  • whether there are any ethical considerations
  • whether the commercial body and its products are considered to be reputable
  • whether there is any written agreement covering the terms and conditions of the offer
  • whether acceptance of the offer implies University endorsement of the body or its products
  • whether acceptance of the offer places any legal obligations on the University
  • whether there will be any demand on University resources
  • whether the benefits are exclusive to University staff

An individual member of staff who negotiates a concessionary scheme for University staff is not permitted to gain any additional benefit beyond that which will accrue to all staff.

The Director of Human Resources may recommend that any advertising material which has not been vetted and approved in accordance with this procedure should be removed from circulation.

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