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Financial Regulations responsibilities of Heads of Department

Summary of the responsibilities of Heads of Department included within Financial Regulations


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Approval date
23 Oct 2024
Approved by
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Date of last review
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Date of next review
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Heads of Department are responsible for the following;

  • Heads of Academic Departments are responsible to the Dean of the Faculty to which their Department belongs for the monitoring and control of expenditure against budgets in their areas.
  • Heads of Professional Service, Support and Self-funding centres are likewise ultimately responsible to the Vice Chancellor. Heads of these Departments are responsible for the economic, efficient, and effective use of resources allocated to their cost centre and should establish clear lines of responsibility for all financial matters within their department.
  • Heads of Department, and other budget holders are responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for financial management in their areas of responsibility.
  • Heads of Departments are responsible for establishing and maintaining clear lines of responsibility for all financial matters within their faculty or department. Where resources are devolved to budget holders, they are accountable to their head of department for their own budget.
  • Heads of Department are responsible for delivering value for money from public funds. They should keep under review its arrangements for managing all the resources under its control, taking into account guidance on good practice.
  • Heads of Department are responsible for developing and maintaining a risk register for their areas of responsibility.
  • Heads of Departments must ensure that any agreements negotiated within their Departments with external bodies cover any legal liabilities to which the institution may be exposed. The advice of the Senior Legal Advisor and Insurance Services Manager should be sought to ensure that this is the case.
  • All Heads of Departments shall bring to the notice of the Director of Finance, in writing, all insurable risks relating to their areas of responsibility and should inform the Director of Finance immediately of all events giving rise to a claim under an insurance policy and provide promptly all information required in connection with any such claim.
  • Heads of Department are responsible for ensuring the appropriate staff undertake training appropriate to their responsibilities.
  • Heads of Departments are responsible for ensuring that the Director of Finance is informed promptly of all income due to the University or its subsidiaries and should provide promptly such information as the Director of Finance requires for the purpose of collecting such income. All requests for monies due to the University or its Subsidiaries should be settled through official invoices issued through the finance system.
  • Any person who has reason to believe that an irregularity with financial implications for the University has or is about to take place, is required to inform their Head of Department and the Internal Auditor immediately. The Head of Department will in turn notify the Director of Finance immediately.

Summary of the responsibilities of Dean included within Financial Regulations

Deans responsible for the following;

  • Deans are responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the financial management of their Faculty.
  • Deans are responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for the allocation of resources within their Faculty and for the monitoring and control of expenditure against resources in their Faculty.
  • Deans will notify the Heads of Department in their Faculty of the budgets that the Dean has determined for that Department.
  • Deans can vary the budget provided to Heads of Departments during the course of the year as required by the University and notified by the Director of Finance.

Deans and Heads of Departments shall provide the Director of Finance with such information as may be required to enable:

  • Deans are responsible for delivering value for money from public funds. They should keep under review its arrangements for managing all the resources under its control, taking into account guidance on good practice.
  • Deans are responsible for developing and maintaining a risk register for their areas of responsibility.
  • Deans are responsible for ensuring that the income and expenditure of each Department within their Faculty, whether for University-funded or externally funded activities, is within agreed allocations and that appropriate records are kept.
  • Deans are responsible for the allocation of any funds carried forward at year end for their Faculty, under the incentive in place for that year.
  • Deans will be required annually to complete a register of interests.


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