Individual Mitigating Circumstances & Assessment (IMCA): Principles & Procedures
NFAAR-PGT, NFAAR-HY and NFAAR-FD principles and procedures for dealing with IMCs and assessment for courses regulated by these assessment regulations
This document does not apply to students on undergraduate courses (except foundation year or honours year courses). Instead refer to the Undergraduate Assessment Regulations and the IMC Policy
This document applies to the following courses:
Faculty of Engineering & Design
All postgraduate courses where students started before October 2022, and students on MSc Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
All postgraduate courses, except Clinical Associate in Psychology (Degree Apprenticeship).
Faculty of Science
All postgraduate courses except:
- Advanced Clinical Pharmacy Practice (MSc)
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice Primary Care (MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert)
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice Secondary Care (MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert)
- Prescribing & Therapeutics (MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert)
School of Management
All postgraduate courses where students started before October 2023 and:
- Full-time MBA
- Executive part-time MBA
- MRes
Honours Year courses
All students
Foundation degree courses
All students
Further information
Guidance on Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMC) procedures