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Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society

An interdisciplinary research centre critically engaged with the evidence, design and evaluation behind policy development across a range of major social issues


Find out what's going on in the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society.

About us

Find our more about the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society and its members.

Our Research

Find out more about the research we undertake at the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society.

Child well-being

A child’s wellbeing has an important bearing on their current and future outcome: this has been brought to the forefront of the policy agenda in recent years.

Work and wages

Analysing and evaluating employment and earnings policy changes to improve decision making in this area.

Poverty and income

We aim to understand the causes of low income and how effective policies are in reducing poverty.


View publications from the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society

Our Media

Listen to our members talking about their research and recent news in a series of recordings, podcasts, interviews and articles

Our Archive

A historical collection of selected publications, articles and media recordings from members of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society

About us

The Centre for the Analysis of Social Policy and Society (CASPS) is part of the Department of Social & Policy Sciences. Our researchers are critically engaged with policy development across a range of major social issues and as such are major contributors to this significant achievement.

Contact us

Contact us to find out more about our research.