Experts examine DNA changes that shaped life on Earth

Four-year collaborative project seeks to understand key process linked to evolution.
We aim to answer fundamental questions about evolution through our innovative and high-quality research. The quality of our research is reflected by publications in top international journals.
Four-year collaborative project seeks to understand key process linked to evolution.
DNA analysis refutes the theory that Kaspar Hauser was a ‘lost prince’ of the House of Baden
The Last Common Universal Ancestor (LUCA), from which life evolved into bacteria, plants and animals, was older and more complex than previously thought.
The Milner Centre for Evolution is dedicated to studying evolution and applying this fundamental knowledge of biology to tackle today’s global challenges.
New Milner Centre for Evolution study tracks how “flower power” survived mass extinction 66 million years ago to become the dominant plant type
The Director of the Milner Centre for Evolution, Professor Turi King, meets staff across the Centre to discuss their latest research and all things evolution.
We aim to recruit leading biologists as well as train and mentor postgraduates, post-doctorates and undergraduates to go on and become researchers, teachers, and innovators.
Find a member of staff or PhD student.
Polly is in the third year of her PhD in Evolutionary Biology. She studies fossils to understand why crocodiles are how they are today.
Apply to join the Milner Centre for Evolution as a member of staff or PhD student.
Find out how we're educating the public and inspiring students of all ages with our outreach activities.
The Milner Centre for Evolution has produced free lesson plans and resources based on unique research into the most effective ways to teach evolution.
Showcasing outreach initiatives from researchers at the Milner Centre for Evolution.
Learn how your school can get access to teaching resources and how to get one of our exhibits at your event or festival.
Children meet creepy crawlies and learn how to use microscopes at the Milner Centre for Evolution.
Learn key concepts in biological evolution and find out how to integrate them into the classroom with our free online learning module.
The centre formally opened on 21 September 2018.
The Milner Centre for Evolution celebrated its launch on the 21 September 2018 by inviting local school children to the labs to learn more about evolution.
The new Milner Centre for Evolution will help support teachers teaching evolution
Watch videos of the sessions from our inaugural conference.
Find out more about our new building, which was opened in September 2018.
The Milner Centre for Evolution was opened on 21 September 2018 - find out how our staff got involved in the building design
We've built a major centre for evolution, named after Dr Jonathan Milner who donated £5 million towards its establishment.
The Milner Centre has three core objectives: to ask the big evolutionary questions, to find new technological and clinical research applications, and to take evolutionary research into the community.
We are based in a multi-million-pound centre on campus which opened in September 2018.
Ask us about our activities and keep up-to-date through social media.