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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2010/11

AR40300: Design studio 5

Click here for further information Credits: 18
Click here for further information Level: Masters
Click here for further information Period: This unit is available in...
Semester 2
Click here for further information Assessment: CW 100%
Click here for further informationSupplementary Assessment: Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations)
Click here for further information Requisites:
Click here for further information Description: Aims:
To develop designs that address wider issues of urban design and landscape as well as detail considerations of material strategies and techniques as part of an integrated architectural approach.
To encourage each student to explore and develop their own design processes through a series of structured exercises run in parallel with the studio design projects.

Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit students will have demonstrated the following:
The ability to:
* produce coherent and well resolved architectural designs;
* to integrate knowledge of the principles and theories associated with visual, thermal and acoustic environments;
* use visual, verbal and written communication methods and appropriate media (including sketching, modelling, digital and electronic techniques) to represent the testing, analysis and critical appraisal of complex design proposals and their resolution to a range of professional and lay audiences;
* produce documentation and reports which are clear, analytical and logical covering a range of architectural issues of culture, theory and design.
Understanding of:
* Building technologies, environmental design and construction methods in relation to:
- human well-being and the welfare of future generations;
- the natural world and the consideration of a sustainable environment;
* The impact on design of legislation, codes of practices and health and safety both during the construction and occupation of a project.

The ability to manage and produce individual work as well as work as part of a group. To undertake critical assessment of information and its clear communication. The ability to synthesise in elegant designs the complex demands of context, environment, materials, user needs and function.

The unit has two aspects both aimed at providing necessary skills for the design thesis in Year 2.
The first sets two sequential projects, each based in urban locations, and involves at least one study visit to a town or city, the collection of visual, historical, social and cultural information relating to its development, the presentation of drawings photographs and models of the past and present character and future potential of the area and the design and presentation of proposals for Landscape, Building and Detail elements of each project. The designs are to be presented through both drawings and models (physical and/or computer models). Designs will be developed with due regard to aesthetic and technical requirements prevailing within the urban context studied and with due regard to the perceived long-term social and physical needs of the local community. Specialist expertise will be provided by visiting consultants, and visiting design critics will be invited at appropriate times during the project.
The second aspect is interwoven with the first and includes a series of structured exercises in design process. These will involve both individual and collaborative working and group workshops or discussions. Feedback, criticism or tutorial will primarily be provided through peer review and by studio tutors.
NB. Programmes and units are subject to change at any time, in accordance with normal University procedures.