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Jobs that make a difference: European Funding Manager

Peter Hompstead is a European Funding Manager from Research and Innovation Services (RIS) at the University of Bath. More on how his job is making a difference.

Peter Hompstead at his desk
“I love my role because of the people I meet and the people I help.”

Supporting research that benefits the European community

Peter Hompstead is European Funding Manager within the Department of Research and Innovation Services (RIS) at the University of Bath – a department providing a dedicated resource to help researchers develop proposals, run projects, and disseminate their findings.

With overall responsibility for the financial administration of European research funds, Peter plays a crucial behind-the-scenes role monitoring project finances for European Commission grants across the whole University.

I love my role because of the people I meet and the people I help.

Most EU-funded research is collaborative, and I’ve been fortunate enough to work with institutions and businesses across the globe. The portfolio is diverse and wide-ranging – with everyone bringing something different to each new project.

Peter ensures that European Commission funds that enable research for the benefit of the European Community run smoothly financially by liaising with external funders and meeting their rules and regulations, providing information and advice on financial management to grant holders, and preparing and submitting financial claims.

I’m the supporting financial arm for each project.

The specialist bank of knowledge I’ve built up over the years helps the academics who don’t need, or want to focus on the project financials, more effectively use their time to focus on research and innovation.

Through his role in RIS, Peter helps protect the University as, without the correct documents and policies in place, the University could have to return funding to the European Commission.

I enjoy working across all faculties and giving advice on how best to use the money allocated to the University and its European partners.

With EU framework agreements changing every eight years, there is plenty to learn!

Having worked at the University for over 30 years, Peter has been employed in a range of roles across the campus.

Peter who lived and grew up in Bath, joined the University at the age of 19 after a friend working at the University mentioned a job opportunity in the Residences department to help Housekeepers, sort student mail, and assist in the Residential Services Centre.

In 2000, Peter started work in Payroll as a trainee. With the University funding his AAT accountancy and finance qualifications, Peter quickly moved up the ranks to start a new role looking after the financial management of research projects in the Post-Award team.

Peter took on his current role of European Funding Manager in 2014. 

One of Peter’s previous projects was the financial management of ECO-SEE, a €9.4M collaborative project that brings together 18 partners from across Europe to develop innovative eco-materials designed to improve the indoor environmental quality of energy-efficient buildings.

From financially administering the ECO-SEE project to working closely with partners in Hyderabad, India on the mandatory reporting requirements and financial regulations involved on the ‘Work FREE’ project, a social experiment addressing exploitative labour – I really do enjoy delivering a useful and respected service to colleagues.

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