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Data Protection Statement for student registration (2023/24)

The information the University will store about its students and student apprentices, how it will be used, and other information about data protection.

This Data Protection Statement applies to students and student apprentices registering after 1 August 2020.

If you are a student apprentice you should additionally refer to the supplementary statement at the bottom of this page.

Understanding Data Protection

While you are a student at the University of Bath and after you cease to be a student, the University needs to collect, store, use and disclose certain data about you for purposes connected with your studies, including providing services to applicants, current students and alumni.

By registering at the University of Bath as a student, you consent to the University collecting, storing, using and disclosing data about you for any purposes connected with your studies, your health and safety and for other legitimate reasons while you are a student, and also for certain purposes after you cease to be student, and as detailed in this document.

When we process data about you, we have to observe the requirements of the Data Protection Act. The Act establishes a framework within which information about individuals can be legally collected, stored, used and disclosed. This statement is designed to highlight the areas of Data Protection which are particularly relevant to you, and to help you understand how information about you will be collected, stored, used and disclosed. It applies to all students regardless of age, so if you are under 18, you will be treated in the same way as students who are over 18 for Data Protection purposes.

Understanding what student information the University will store

The University of Bath will collect data about you in the course of our dealings with you as a future, current or former student: for example, when you apply, when you register and as you progress through your course. We may also receive data about you from outside the University, such as information from UCAS relating to applications, and information supplied by referees. If you are a current or former student, examples of the data which the University may hold about you include:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details
  • Details of your trusted contact - by providing this information, you confirm you have their consent for us to hold their information and use it in case of emergency
  • Your date of birth
  • Your nationality
  • Your ethnic origin
  • Your academic background and qualifications
  • Your academic record while at the University, including details of any degrees which you are awarded
  • Any disabilities which you have disclosed to us
  • Medical information, such as information held by the counselling service
  • Fee information and sponsorship details
  • Your use of the University's facilities such as the Library
  • Any disciplinary action taken against you
  • A digital photograph of you, which is used to produce your library card

How the data will be used

The University will only use your data fairly and lawfully in accordance with our obligations under the Data Protection Act. This means that we will process your data in a way which respects the Data Protection Principles set down in the Act and your rights under the Act.

The Data Protection Act requires us to keep your data secure. This means that your confidentiality will be respected, and all appropriate measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized disclosure.

Although it is not possible to state every purpose for which your information will be used, the following are examples of how it is likely to be used while you are a student:

  • To administer your studies and record academic achievements (e.g., your unit choices, examinations and assessments, and the publication of pass lists)
  • To assist in pastoral and welfare needs (e.g., Therapeutic, Mental Health & Wellbeing services, services to students with disabilities, and support for students with low or non-engagement with their programme of study)
  • In the event of medical needs or emergencies, for example where we have reason to believe that you or another person may suffer harm
  • To administer financial aspects of your registration as a student (e.g., payment of fees, debt collection)
  • To manage course facilities, such as computing facilities, sports facilities and clubs, and the Library
  • To produce management statistics and to conduct research into the effectiveness of our courses and services
  • To monitor our equality and diversity policies (e.g., compliance with the Equality Act)
  • To contact you with tailored placement and careers opportunities
  • To communicate relevant support or other group-specific information direct to applicable students
  • Text messaging for relevant activities or reminders about surveys, e.g., NSS.
  • To administer employment processes, if you choose to work for the University
  • For security and disciplinary purposes
  • For internal and external audits, and quality assurance exercises
  • For marketing and alumni relations purposes

Much of this data will be held in written (paper or electronic) form. However, the University also takes photographs on campus and during events and may record lectures, seminars, tutorials, presentations and other events. The student data captured or held may therefore include visual images of students and audio recordings of their voices. As the University may record lectures and other events, such as presentations delivered by its staff or students, such recordings will include words spoken by students or performances given by them. You are also giving us permission to record any words that you may speak or performances that you may give in lectures, presentations or other events which are recorded and also consent to us making any such recordings available to other students in accordance with our Intellectual Property Policy.

The University also records its graduation ceremonies and makes these recordings available via its website. By taking part in the graduation ceremony you are giving us your permission to do so.

Sharing the data

The University of Bath will only disclose information about you in accordance with your consent as detailed in this document, or where disclosure without your consent is required or permitted by law. This section outlines the major organisations and the most common circumstances in which we disclose data about students.

Students' Union

We will share relevant data with the Students' Union to enable them to, for example:

  • Assist in pastoral and welfare support

  • Monitor their compliance with the Equality Act and in support of their equality and diversity policies

  • Communicate relevant support or other group-specific information direct to applicable students

Data relating to disciplinary matters can also be shared.

You can specify your preferences for communications from the SU by logging in to your account at

If you do not want to be a member of the Students' Union, please read the Code of Practice for the Students' Union (SU)


We will share data with the University’s Advancement Office to form part of the Alumni database. If you do not want to be on the Alumni database, or you wish to specify your preferences for communication from them, you can contact the Advancement Office

For further information on how your personal information is processed and used by the Advancement Office please  read their Privacy Notice.

Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)

The University is required to send some of the information which we collect about students to HESA, where it forms part of the student's HESA record. If your data is supplied to HESA, HESA may then pass all or some of the data to various government departments and agencies to enable them to carry out their statutory functions. These bodies and HESA will mainly use your data to produce anonymised statistics. HESA and the recipients of HESA data are also bound by the Data Protection Act to process your data fairly and lawfully.

National Students Survey (NSS)

The NSS is an annual survey of undergraduate students who are in the final stages of their programmes of study. It is designed to gather students' views on the quality of the teaching, assessment and support which they have experienced. This information is used to produce statistics and provide summary feedback to individual institutions and student unions. The survey is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) on behalf of a range of funding bodies and Higher Education providers and can be found on the National Student Survey.

Other Student Surveys

Both during your time at the University and after you graduate, we also pass your details to respected third parties where applicable (e.g., the Financial Times Rankings for MBAs) in order for those parties to contact you directly in order for you to provide details, should you choose to do so, about your time at the University and subsequently.

Sponsors and funding bodies

The University may disclose student information to the Student Loans Company, Student Finance England and any other financial sponsor (including your Embassy if relevant) to enable financial matters including the clarification of fee status to be determined. Disclosure to such organisations and/or sponsors will only be made where there is a legitimate reason for so doing.

In other cases, the University will not release data about you to bodies or individuals who have funded your education (such as your parents or employer), unless you tell us that we can do so. However, if you are under 18 years of age you consent to the University advising your parents as to the amount and nature of any debts you owe to the University from time to time.

Study abroad

If your course involves spending a period of time at an institution outside the University, or if you have come to the University as a visiting, exchange or junior year abroad student, we may need to share information about you with the other institutions involved in the exchange (within or outside the European Economic Area). This will be done for the administration of the visit, exchange or study abroad, and so that the other institution can carry out its duties in regard to your studies. If you are involved in a visit, exchange or study abroad, you consent to the University transferring data about you as necessary for purposes connected with your studies.

References and confirmation of qualifications

The University may release data about you in response to a request for a reference or for confirmation of your qualifications. The details of your award (e.g., degree subject and classification) are regarded as public information and will be published on open pass lists and accessible by third parties such as newspapers and prospective employers.

Graduation services

The University may share information about you and the award you are aiming for with third parties for the purpose of ensuring the appropriate provision of services such as gown hire.

UK Visas and Immigration

This section applies to students who require a visa to enter the UK to study at the University.

To assist in preventing immigration fraud, the University is required to report to the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) details of students subject to immigration control who fail to register, who discontinue their studies or who fail to maintain contact with the University. We may also be required to provide UKVI with other information about students. From time to time, the University also receives enquiries from UK immigration officials regarding the status of applicants or students, e.g., to check whether an offer of a place has been made or whether a student has enrolled.

The University will normally provide information about applicants and students when requested to do so by UK immigration officials. Failure to do so, in some cases, could lead to the University's removal from the list of institutions approved to receive overseas students. We will maintain the records about students (e.g., attendance) which we are required to maintain to meet UKVI's requirements.

Other disclosures

Examples of some of the other situations in which we may disclose information about you include:

  • Disclosure to law enforcement agencies, where necessary for crime prevention or detection
  • Disclosure to local authorities, for purposes connected with electoral registration, council tax or the investigation of benefit fraud
  • Disclosure to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and/or Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) during institutional audits and other quality assessment exercises
  • If you leave the University owing money to the University, we may at our discretion pass this information to a debt collection agency
  • We may disclose information for the purpose of verifying the data about you held by the University, by another higher education institution or by government agencies

Where the University uses a third party to process your personal data on its behalf a contract will be in place to ensure that any personal data is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Understanding your responsibilities

The University will make every reasonable effort to keep your details up to date. However, it is your responsibility to provide us with accurate information about yourself when you apply and when you register, and to let us know of any subsequent changes to your details, such as changes to your name or address.

Understanding your rights

You have a number of rights under the Data Protection Act in respect of the information which the University of Bath holds about you, and how we can use that information. These include:

  • The right to prevent us from using your data for direct marketing purposes
  • The right to prevent us from processing your data in a way which causes or is likely to cause you substantial damage or distress. You can do this by serving us with a notice under section 10 of the Data Protection Act. However, we may refuse to accept such a notice in certain circumstances: For example, if doing so would prevent us from processing data which is necessary for our contract with you as a student
  • The right to require us to correct, erase or destroy inaccurate data
  • The right to get access to the data which we hold about you

Obtaining advice or further information

For all other concerns about how we process your data, please contact Data Protection:

Or consult the University’s Data Protection Act guidance. Links to useful advice from other organizations are as follows:

HESA Data Protection Guidance

Research Councils Data Protection Guidance in the Joint Electronic Submissions (Je-S) Handbook

UK Visas and Immigration

Student apprentices

If you are a student apprentice, the University will also:

  • Disclose information to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and your employer, to enable financial matters including the confirmation of eligibility for funding to be determined. This will include personal information as required by the terms of the ESFA’s Funding Rules, and will be shared on a regular basis.

  • Regularly share information relating to your studies and your apprenticeship between the University and your employer.

Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) PRIVACY NOTICE

Each apprentice must read the ESFA Privacy Notice. This explains how it will use your personal information and can be viewed at the Privacy notice for Key Stage 5 and adult education.

This version was updated on 25 August 2023.

Contact us

For further advice contact Academic Registry.