Chair of Council's foreword to the Annual Accounts 2023-24

The foreword to the Annual Accounts by Pamela Chesters CBE, Chair of Council.
Key facts, figures, and league table rankings, as well as the foreword to the report by Pamela Chesters CBE, Chair of Council, and the introduction from the Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Phil Taylor.
The foreword to the Annual Accounts by Pamela Chesters CBE, Chair of Council.
The introduction to the Annual Accounts by the Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Phil Taylor.
Our awards, accolades, and league table rankings in university guides.
Statistics and facts about our student population, research, campus and alumni.
The key performance indicators for the University operations, plus our Public Benefit Statement, Statement of Corporate Governance, and our equality objectives 2023 to 2025.
We use KPIs to measure our performance regarding research power, global influence, student experience, and more. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
How our charitable purposes, research, teaching, creativity, enterprise, innovation, and international engagement have delivered public benefit in 2023-24.
The Statement of Corporate Governance, including Internal Control and Risk Management, for the period 1 August 2023 to 12 December 2024.
Information on the University's equality objectives and how we will deliver them. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
The Remuneration Committee determines the remuneration of the University's senior officers. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
The University's income, expenditure, and balance sheet data, and the KPIs we use to measure our finances. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
An independent audit of the financial statements of the University of Bath and its subsidiaries for 2023-24.
The report on the audit of the financial statements of the University, carried out by Grant Thornton UK LLP. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
The financial reports from the University.
Our principal accounting policies for the Annual Accounts.
The consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in reserves, balance sheets, and cash flow from the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
Details of the University's annual accounts for the year ended 31 July 2024. Part of the Annual Accounts 2023-24.
See the full PDF of this year's Annual Accounts and read the financial statements and annual reports from previous years.
Our latest annual report and accounts, as well as financial statements and annual reports from previous years.
The University of Bath was established on Claverton Down in Bath in 1966. We are a campus university in the South West of England. Bath is only 1 hour and 25 minutes away from London by train.
We offer courses in engineering, humanities, management, science and social science.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the Annual Accounts.