The grades for jobs covered by the University of Bath’s pay structure (Grades 2 to 9) are determined through job evaluation. Job evaluation and grading review is the ongoing process of evaluating new jobs, and reviewing existing ones where appropriate to ensure pay and grading is appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of jobs.
The key purpose of job evaluation is to ensure fairness and consistency by measuring all jobs against the same criteria. In order to ensure this, it may be necessary to assess comparable jobs which have not been referred when carrying out the requested grading review of another job, or as part of a review of the fairness and equity of gradings across the University.
The criteria used during the process of job grading review are contained within the Higher Education Role Analysis (HERA) job evaluation scheme.
Request for a job grading review will be based on the business needs of the Department. This is usually the result of either a re-structuring exercise, the need for new work to be undertaken, or because the demands of a particular job have change significantly. Heads of Department or Service are responsible for ensuring there is provision for the costs of any regrading within their departmental salaries budget.
This procedure excludes those jobs that are covered by the Career Progression arrangements in the Education and Research job family.
A grading review request must be based on significant and permanent changes in the levels of responsibility and accountability of a job. For temporary changes to jobs (to cover maternity leave or long-term sickness, for example), please contact the relevant HR Advisor or Business Partner
The grading of a job may also be assessed where it has been cited by other staff or identified as being inconsistent with the grading of comparable jobs
A grading review request should not be based on how the responsibilities or activities might or will change in the future
Grades of existing jobs should only be evaluated once within any 12 month period (unless part of a significant restructuring process)
An increase in volume of work will not necessarily result in an increase in job size sufficient to merit a change in grade. Evidence would need to be provided that this increase in volume has resulted in a significant increase in responsibility or accountability
It is expected that any disagreements between a member of staff and manager relating to the requirements or demands of the job will be resolved at a local level
Other guidance relating to job evaluation
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Date of last review: 23 July 2020