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Past events held by the Centre for Decolonising Knowledge in Teaching, Research and Practice

DECkNO past events, workshops, collaboration and contribution.


Conference: ‘Epistemologies of the South, Knowledge Democracy and Participatory Research'

DECkNO member Zainab Mai-Bornu was one of the convenors and Ana C Dinerstein was an invited speaker.

The Sway file for the event can be accessed here. Video recordings for each session are now available on the CTPSR YouTube channel:

  • Roundtable One: Decolonising Knowledge and participatory methodologies: framing the debate YouTube Video
  • Roundtable Two: Focusing on practices of decolonising research through participatory methodologies YouTube Video
  • Roundtable Three: Challenges for participatory methodologies and decolonisation YouTube Video

Annual Lecture 2021: Centre for Urban research on Austerity (CURA)

April 2021. Dr Ana Cecilia Dinerstein: "Decolonising Critique. Reconnecting critical theory with radical praxis today"

Find the Eventbrite page here and the video here.

Participatory Seminar Series: Epistemically Just Methodologies

Convened by Shona Macintosh and Rachel Wilder, Department of Education Methodologies Reading Group.

Find the repository for readings, themes and some of the things created in the first four sessions here

SWDTP Seminars Decolonising: Theory, Epistemologies, Research Ethics, Methodologies and Writing and Representation, 2021

Convened by Angeline M. Barret (Bristol).

Find the recordings on YouTube.

Report: Findings of a study into the responses to a range of COVID-19 measures for refugee communities in Gaza

by Jason Hart and Luisa Enria.

Read the report here.

(un)Doing Research: Feminist Decolonial Provocations with Dr. Rosalba Icaza, 2020

Co-organised with the SWDTP Standing Seminar in Critical Theory.

The workshop explored the conditions for the possibility that emerged for (un)learning when feminists and non-feminist academic-activist Women of Color committed to epistemic justice collectively dealt with two intertwined challenges: the violence of critical thinking and the violence of re-presentation. View the Eventbrite page here.

SWDTP’s ‘Decolonising Social Research’ series

Seminars in this series include Decolonising: Theory, Epistemologies, Research Ethics, Methodologies and Writing and Representation.

Watch via Youtube

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