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Working away from University premises policy

The University’s policy and approach for managing risks associated with working away from University premises


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Approval date
07 Sep 2021
Approved by
Information not provided
Date of last review
12 Sep 2023
Date of next review
30 Sep 2025


Any type of work or official university activity that takes place away from the University is covered by this policy.

This includes but is not restricted to:

  • home working
  • travel for work
  • all University business overseas
  • visits − such as for conferences, external teaching or examining, research
  • student placements, internships, or Study Abroad programmes organised as part of University of Bath qualifications
  • field work and expeditions
  • sporting visits as representatives of the University

Excluded from this policy

  • Working at any site in the UK that is owned or to any extent controlled by the University. This includes Off-campus University premises in Bath, the Hive and the Bathampton Field Station
  • The daily commute between home and the regular place of work
  • Students working at additional jobs outside the University, or doing coursework in their private residences, and are therefore outside the control of the university

Relevant Legislation

Other regulations may apply as appropriate specific to the nature of the work.

Health and Safety legislation applies wherever in the UK a person is working. A workplace exists wherever employees are doing work even when they are not on University premises.

The Health and Safety at Work Act does not extend to countries outside the UK. Work or study undertaken outside the UK will therefore be subject to the laws of that country. The way the University manages these activities will however remain subject to UK legislation. Many countries have workplace legislation similar to the Health and Safety at Work Act but this cannot be assumed to be the case. Whether criminal charges would arise from incidents occurring outside the UK would be a matter for the authorities in that country.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has indicated that any incident occurring overseas is outside UK jurisdiction and they will not investigate or take action in relation to the actual circumstances of the incident itself. HSE can consider circumstances relating to activities carried out in Great Britain to support an overseas visit that may reveal systemic failings in the management of overseas visits. This could include general management arrangements, such as risk assessments for the activities, training and competence of staff, co-operation and co-ordination with other parties.



In this policy the term ‘worker’ includes employees of the University, Postgraduate Research students (PGRs), and volunteers assisting with the work. It does not include volunteers who are the subject of a research project.


In this policy, the term ‘student’ refers to an undergraduate or postgraduate taught student.

Home working

Home working is defined and various modes of home working are distinguished in the University’s Flexible Working and Leave Policy. There is also further guidance on hybrid and flexible working on the Future Ways of Working web pages.

No student, including any student classed as a worker, is classed as a home worker.


This is ‘… a negotiated period of learning which normally takes place outside the University either in the workplace or at another institution and where the learning outcomes are an intended part of … the programme of study.’ (University of Bath QA6). The University has a specific policy dealing with Placement Health and Safety.

Study Abroad

This is ‘… learning achieved during an agreed period … at a Higher Education institution in a country outside the United Kingdom, and where the learning outcomes are an integral part of and contribute to the programme of study.’ (University of Bath QA37 – Student Exchange Arrangements).


This is ‘… any work carried out by staff or students for the purposes of teaching, research, or other activities while representing the institution off-site.’ (Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA)).

Fieldwork includes activities such as undertaking social science interviews and research in urban areas, attendance at conferences and visits to institutions, as well as activities more traditionally associated with the term, such as survey or collection work carried out in more remote areas, and teaching groups of students in locations away from the university. The University has a specific policy dealing with Fieldwork health and safety.

Policy statement

The University of Bath is committed to the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment for all workers and students of the University wherever they are working while on University business.

The University of Bath is committed to protecting so far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety of all its students when they are on work placement or engaged in a study abroad programme.

These commitments extend to the way such work or study is managed outside the UK so far as this is under the control of the University.

All work taking place off university premises will be planned and organised so as to minimise the risks to the health and safety of workers and students and others who may be affected by these activities.

As far as is reasonably practicable, risks will be assessed before work starts and will, where reasonably practicable, be controlled to the same standard as would be required for work on campus.


The Vice-Chancellor (VC) has overall day to day responsibility for health and safety matters at the University. The VC delegates responsibility for undertaking aspects of these duties through line management and identified roles.

The following people are identified as having responsibilities (in addition to any other responsibilities under other health and safety policy) for the management of risks from working away from the University in those areas, and for those relevant persons, that fall under their control:

  • The Chief Compliance Officer has been appointed by the VC to approve all work-related travel, including work-related travel by Post-Graduate Research students, to destinations where the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advises against "All Travel" or "All But Essential Travel".

  • The Director Of Human Resources will act as deputy in the absence of the Chief Compliance Officer.

Heads of Departments

Heads of Departments are responsible for:

  • ensuring that relevant staff give due consideration to the relevant University Standards and guidance, sector guidance, and FCDO travel advice when planning, evaluating, and risk assessing work that will take place away from the University
  • approving work-related travel undertaken by members of their department (including work-related travel by Post-Graduate Research students) to destinations where the UK Government does not advise against "All Travel" or "All But Essential Travel"
  • ensuring that risks are fully assessed, all control measures identified are proportionate to the level of risk, take into account any reasonable adjustments required to enable accessibility to all prospective participants, and have been implemented
  • ensuring that adequate resources are provided to ensure that risks from work that takes place away from the University are kept to a minimum
  • ensuring that arrangements are in place for all participants to be fully briefed before and during all off-campus work in which they participate
  • ensuring compliance with the University’s “Procedure for responding to significant incidents overseas which may affect University of Bath students and staff” where necessary

Line Managers of University staff and Academic staff

Line Managers of University staff and Academic staff with responsibility for supervising post-graduate research students are responsible for ensuring that suitable risk assessments are made for all off-site working and that the significant findings of these assessments are communicated to relevant workers.

This includes:

  • giving due consideration to sector guidance during the planning and risk assessment of relevant work or study undertaken by workers under their management or supervision
  • following University guidance dealing with International travel for staff and students on university business including completing the overseas travel risk assessment checklist
  • consulting Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) travel advice when assessing any work, work placement or study outside the UK and referring as necessary to their Head of Department and the Chief Compliance Officer for approval;
  • ensuring that risk assessments take into account any reasonable adjustments required to allow relevant individuals to participate safely
  • consulting with and informing workers under their management or supervision to ensure that suitable control measures are understood and that these are implemented
  • ensuring that where a worker is not under the direct supervision of University staff there is a means of communication between that participant and the University in the event of any difficulty
  • ensuring that all workers are adequately informed, instructed, trained and appropriately supervised
  • reporting any incident or accident occurring while working away from the University to the Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing (SHEW) team as soon as reasonably practicable after the incident has occurred

Undergraduate and taught Postgraduate Course leaders, Placements Officers and Student Mobility Team

Responsible for:

  • evaluating all health and safety arrangements for fieldwork in line with the requirements of the Fieldwork Standard and relevant sector guidance
  • evaluating health and safety arrangements for all placements and study abroad proposals in line with the requirements of QA6, QA37, the Placements and Study Abroad Safety Standard and sector guidance
  • consulting with SHEW where necessary for guidance on health and safety aspects of a proposed student activity away from the University
  • ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that risks have been suitably controlled and that participants and students are appropriately prepared for their planned activities
  • establishing arrangements whereby a student who is not under the direct supervision of university staff to enable communication between the student and the university in case of difficulty
  • reporting any incident or accident occurring while working away from the University, to a student under their supervision, on placement, or on study abroad, to SHEW as soon as reasonably practicable after the incident has occurred
  • applying sanctions where relevant against students that do not follow instructions to the extent that their own or others’ health and safety is put at increased risk


Workers are responsible for:

  • familiarising themselves with the applicable risk assessments
  • complying with the control measures detailed in the risk assessments and following any agreed safe systems of work
  • reporting any health and safety concerns arising from the work to their line manager or supervisor


University Health and Safety Committee is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the implementation of this policy. A review will be carried out within two years of this policy being adopted.

Further information and resources

University information:

Fieldwork standard

Placements and study abroad programmes safety standard

University travel insurance information

Procedure for responding to significant incidents overseas which may affect University of Bath students and staff

Overseas travel guidance and checklist

International travel for staff and students on university business

Sector guidance:

Higher Education Sector Guidance on Health and Safety in Fieldwork and Travel Including all offsite visits and travel in the UK and overseas − USHA 2018

USHA Guidance on Health and Safety Placements for Higher Education Students 2018

External Sources of information:

Managing the safety, health and security of mobile workers: an occupational safety and health practitioner’s guide (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health and the International SOS Foundation)

British Standard, BS 8848: Specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the United Kingdom (‘BS 8848:2007+A1:2009’) is available via the University’s subscription to the British Standards Institute.

Document control

Date of last review: Agreed at UHSC 14th September 2021
Date of next review: September 2023


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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