Would you like to find out more about leadership styles and explore how this could benefit you and your team?
Come together with colleagues from across the University and explore approaches to leadership.
Changing, Ourselves - Leadership conversations
Leadership Conversations - A series of three sessions to explore key styles of leadership and how to apply some of the learning to ourselves, our teams and our colleagues.
Dare to Lead by Brené Brown emphasizes the importance of vulnerability, courage, and empathy in effective leadership. Brown argues that true leadership requires embracing vulnerability and building trust within teams.
Is this truly a revolutionary guide for modern leaders, or does this oversimplify the complexities of leadership? Are we ready to embrace a leadership style that prioritises emotional intelligence over traditional metrics of success, or is this an idealistic vision that falls short in the real world?
SESSION PREPARATION There is an option to complete the online self-assessment before attending the session.
We welcome leaders and managers in all job families at any grade.
Facilitator: Debra Parsons, Learning & Organisational Development Manager
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You must book your place using Employee Self-Service (ESS). Places will be available to book on self-service up to 24 hours before the event. Download instructions on how to book your place using ESS.
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You can cancel your place using Employee Self-Service (ESS). Download instructions on how to cancel your place using ESS.
Please cancel your place as early as possible, and at least 3 days in advance, to allow others to book instead.