The workshop will bring together both academics that already make their equipment designs Open Access, and others who are interested in learning more about the implications. The workshop is designed to encourage new collaborative hardware projects, and to foster a discussion about how to improve the academic impact of open science hardware.
Monday 3 February
We will start registration at 11:30, sessions will start after lunch at about 1:30.
We will start with an introduction, a panel discussion with Javier Serrano from CERN, Jenny Molloy from Cambridge, and Adrian Bowyer founder of the RepRap project.
This will be followed by an activity which will introduce participants to each other and decide what topics we should focus on in more focused discussions on the follow days.
Tuesday 4 February
We will start at 9am (with Tea/Coffee and snacks from 8:30).
The day will be mostly focused discussions on a range of topics chosen on the first day. It is likely most of these discussions will be small groups working in parallel, but if there is very wide interest in particular topics we can adjust the format.
We will have a panel discussion in the afternoon on topics including legal issues, policy (both government and university), and impact, the panel will be Andrew Katz from Moorcrofts LLP, Alison Parker from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and David Beet the Research Commercialisation Officer at the University of Bath.
Wednesday 5 February
We will start at 9am (with Tea/Coffee and snacks from 8:30).
The final day will have further focused discussions and a wrap up chat with an official finish at 3pm, but we will have the space until 5pm if people want to carry on discussions.