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Writing quality papers

This interactive workshop will give you the skills and knowledge to communicate your research more effectively in quality papers

  • 2 Jul 2019, 9.15am to 2 Jul 2019, 4.30pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Room to be confirmed, University of Bath
  • This event is free

Academic research comes to life when it is published and someone else reads it. Consequently, the number and quality of your papers is often used as a measure of how well you are performing as an academic researcher.

About the workshop

This workshop provides a process that can help you write with greater speed and confidence, at the same time as increasing your chance of getting published in your target journal. The workshop gives strategies for getting the best from your co-authors and streamlining thinking, writing and editing.

Learning Objectives

During the workshop participants will:

  • analyse the structure of papers, revealing aspects of editorial thinking
  • create a blank ‘map’, scoping the scale of the writing task
  • determine the ‘message’ of the research, creating a clear focus of the document
  • agree authorship is more about team discipline and diplomacy than rules
  • research paragraph use in Introductions (and other areas), revealing the narrative structures found in academic papers
  • select information by combing ‘message’ and ‘structure’, creating a tool that lets you pull what is needed at the same time as showing what information can legitimately be left out
  • decide on the order of information in your first draft, listing it on a post it

Workshop facilitator

Dr Jakob Whitfield (ThinkWrite)
Jakob has a degree in aeronautical engineering and a PhD in the history of technology. Since finishing his doctorate he has worked as a researcher, writer, and editor on a freelance basis. Jacob also has experience in voice training and public speaking. At the same time as understanding publication from the author’s perspective, he has seen life from the publisher’s perspective, working at CUP coordinating the digitisation of their backlist of academic journals.


This workshop is only available to doctoral students.

Morning tea and coffee will be available but we will not be providing lunch.


Room to be confirmed

Room to be confirmed University of Bath Claverton Down Bath BA2 7AY United Kingdom

Contact details

If you have any special requirements please contact us.