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Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship

Applications for the University of Bath Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship scheme for 2025 are now open.

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Apply to the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship
  • Are you a University of Bath researcher who wants to make an impact with your research?
  • Do you want to develop impact including engaging and communicating with others outside of the University?

If the answer is yes, then apply for our Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship today!


Our Fellowship Scheme is now in its fourth year and has been created by the University of Bath with the support from HEIF, and the University of Bath's EPSRC IAA and ESRC IAA funds. It is was initially driven by the positive experience of one of the project leads who took part in a similar scheme at UCL and our desire to improve our impact training, this year's scheme and has used the positive experiences and learning from the previous cohorts to further inform and develop the programme. Read our blog to find out more about the Fellows experiences.

The training provided, and the trans-disciplinary conversations provoked by that training, have been of huge value and will likely influence how I approach knowledge exchange and impact for the rest of my academic career, Former fellow

Nazia Mehrban, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) of Biotechnology, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology:

This is a unique opportunity for you to build skills around understanding the impact of your research. This bespoke programme will be tailored around your research with training delivered in a fun and engaging way. I have had the opportunity to take part in a similar scheme and have found it hugely beneficial from learning to engage with UK Parliament to writing an article for UK media and designing and delivering a research programme in Colombia! I am excited to be working with RIS to deliver similar training to benefit the researchers of Bath.

The Fellowship brings together external and internal experts to deliver you training and development opportunities in research impact, approaches to planning for impact (Theory of Change), delivering impact (including knowledge exchange) and evidencing impact (monitoring and evaluation).


If you sign up you will be one of only 15 Fellows to receive:

  • a six month development programme to build your knowledge and skills in engaging and communicating with stakeholders including business and Industry, policy-makers and the public
  • bespoke mentoring, coaching and structured activities to support you to apply the learning to your research
  • opportunities to take part in additional training outside of the core activities to meet your needs
  • opportunities to apply for funding to help you to apply your knowledge and skills to benefit your research and the wider community and society

You will benefit from the programme through:

Improved knowledge, skills and experience in research impact
You will have the opportunity to take part in a programme of highly interactive and participatory training, to develop your knowledge and skills in research impact and activities such as, knowledge exchange, engagement, communication and dissemination; but will also equip you with confidence and skills in collaborating, communicating and relationship building.

Support to enhance impact of research to benefit others
You will enhance the impact, or potential impact, of your own research by being supported to apply the knowledge, skills and experience gained through the fellowship. This will be through mentoring, coaching and taking part in structured activities.

Opportunities to grow your own Network
You will gain improved knowledge of how to engage with stakeholders and grow your own network. You will start to develop a network with researchers at the University and external stakeholders. You will have an opportunity to join a community of practice of Impact Fellows and other champions for knowledge exchange and impact.

Recognition and rewards
You will become an Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the University of Bath. The Fellowship will enhance your continuing professional development, which in turn will benefit your CV.

Duration and commitment

The Fellowship will run for 6 months during term time from February to June 2025.

It will require a commitment of approximately 1 to 2 hours per week (on average) for 6 months. This will include a 3.5 hour group training session once a month on a Wednesday afternoon (usually 13.00 – 16.30) plus mentoring (1:1 support for 3 - 6 months to help apply the learning to your research), structured activities and bespoke training.

You will require support and approval from your line manager.

We request that:

  • Fellows will all attend the lunch event plus ALL six in-person workshops and actively engage with the programme and activities (the dates are below and in the registration form)
  • Fellows will be in regular contact with their mentor and/ or coach and will receive bespoke support (as agreed between yourselves)
  • Fellows will participate in an evaluation of the Fellowship scheme


The outline core training timetable, subject to change, will occur from 13.00 to 16.30 unless otherwise stated, is as follows:

  • 3 July 2024: Applications open
  • 30 September 2024: Applications close at 12pm
  • 31 October 2024: Notify applicants of outcome
  • 19 February 2025: Workshop 1: Introduction to Research Impact, cohort building, and future visioning
  • 19 March 2025: Workshop 2: LEGO Serious play (impact, communication and engagement)
  • 23 April 2025: Workshop 3: Introduction to planning for impact - Theory of Change
  • 21 May 2025: Workshop 4: Identifying and prioritising your stakeholders
  • 18 June 2025: Workshop 5: Identifying your pathways to impact (engagement, knowledge exchange, dissemination)
  • 16 July 2025: Workshop 6: Evidencing your Impact (Monitoring and Evaluation)
  • 17 September 2025: Feedback and reflection. Chance to meet previous cohorts to discuss your impact journey.

We will organise monthly guided study workshops to consolidate your learning. Date and time tbc.

Example of additional bespoke training includes: Patient and Public Involvement, Participatory Research, Rapid Review Methods, Writing for the Conversation, Medical regulation, press and media training, depending on your needs.

At our Launch Event we will set the scene around research impact, knowledge exchange and the fellowship programme. We hope to hold a celebration event after our final workshop to share outputs, impact and learning from the programme. We will confirm the exact timetable asap so keep an eye on this page for updates.


A University of Bath member of staff who undertakes research as part of their role at any stage of their career who would like to enhance their knowledge and skills in research impact, knowledge exchange, engagement and communication are welcome and eligible to apply. The Fellowship will be awarded to 15 Fellows each academic year. Those unsuccessful will be offered a one-to-one meeting with the research impact team to support them with their research impact and to signpost them to existing University resources and our Moodles for Knowledge Exchange and Public Engagement (these are self-enrolment).

How to apply

Please complete the following short application form.

This will ask you to outline:

  • Name
  • Department
  • A brief description of your area of research interest (up to 100 words)
  • An self assessment of your current level of knowledge of research impact and skills you would like to develop
  • An understanding of why you are applying for the Fellowship scheme and how it will benefit you and your research impact (up to 250 words)

Case study of cohorts

See our blog post for a case study of the Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellows from previous cohorts.

Contact us

Contact us to discuss the scheme or any questions you have.

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