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MindGenius - Create a mind map

Learn about MindGenius and how to organise your thoughts by creating a mind map.

What is MindGenius

MindGenius is a tool for project management and mind mapping.

What can MindGenius do

You can use MindGenius to increase your productivity by creating mind maps and plans or to organise notes. It has built-in project management capabilities that can help you visualise your plans and achieve set goals.

Some of the features built in to MindGenius include:

  • Simple interface
  • Mind maps
  • Gantt charts
  • Cost and quantity calculations

How to access MindGenius

  1. MindGenius is available through UniDesk Remote Desktop.
  2. Connect to UniDesk.

Please note, after opening UniDesk you may need to wait approximately 5 to 10 minutes for all apps to load.

MindGenius resources

Find out more about MindGenius' features and gain hands-on experience.

The MindGenius resources include:

  • Creating a MindGenius map
  • Add and edit branches on your mind map
  • Apply themes, backgrounds and map layouts to improve the design
  • Add notes, graphics and images to the mind map
  • Use mind map templates

Access the MindGenius resources:

  1. Open the MindGenius Moodle resource.
  2. Follow the content on the page in order and complete the exercises.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about MindGenius, please contact us:

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