Get IT help and advice
Send and track requests for IT help and support, or tell us about an IT service issue.
Find help for your IT needs through our Self-Help guides, the Self-Service portal, or by contacting our staff.
Send and track requests for IT help and support, or tell us about an IT service issue.
Access IT and AV support through the Self-Service Portal for quick and easy assistance.
How to connect your device to the University Wi-Fi, whether you are a student, member of staff or visitor.
The steps you need to take to ensure you are set up for learning.
The steps you need to take to make sure you are set up for hybrid working
Keep your account and data safe by changing your password regularly. If you have forgotten your password, you can find out how to reset it.
Find out everything you need to know about keeping your accounts and data safe
Learn how to protect your personal data with our cybersecurity best practices.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) gives you increased protection against cyber-attacks
We will never ask you to reveal your login details or personal information by email. Emails like this may be a fraudulent 'phishing' attempt to steal your data.
A summary of common phishing attacks aimed at students. The University or the Students Loans Company (SLC) will never contact you for your login or password.
Bite-sized courses shining a spotlight on cyber security topics and what you can do to help protect both you and the University from cyber crime.
Information Security Management System (ISMS) implemented in line with regulatory requirements and to protect our data, funding and University reputation.
Get the most out of your computing experience.
We support computationally and data intensive research and provide software development expertise to help you achieve your research goals.
We are here to support staff in getting the necessary IT equipment, software, and mobile devices they need for their work.
We can help you use and get specialist IT equipment and software to help ​increase your productivity and improve your access to technology.
Find out what types of file storage are available to students and staff so you can use the right file storage service for you.
Find out how to get AV help, request support for corporate events, or report an issue in teaching spaces.
Find out all you need to know about Microsoft 365.
A suite of productivity, communication and collaboration apps and tools, including Teams, OneDrive and Yammer.