Returning from a career break
When returning from a career break, you must email your line manager (copying in the designated HR Business Partner) at least 12 weeks before your return date. This is to confirm you will be returning to work on the agreed date.
Meeting with your line manager
Your line manager will arrange a meeting to discuss your return to work options, any relevant training and/or induction session.
Changing dates
Once dates for a career break have been agreed, you will not normally be allowed to return before that agreed date. However, if personal circumstances change, your line manager will give consideration to a request for an earlier return than planned. This should be made at the earliest possible opportunity. In doing so, the line manager will have to consider this request within the operational requirements of the department and its staff and the University. It should therefore be noted that it may not be possible to agree to an earlier return to work date, depending on the circumstances.
Keep in Touch (KIT) days
To maintain skills and workplace knowledge, you and your manager may agree to paid keeping in touch (KIT) or training days during the break. If you return to University employment at the end of a career break, you will be paid the equivalent number of KIT days under your new contract. The original employing Faculty, School or Service is responsible for meeting the costs of any training or work experience activities.
Deciding not to return to work
If you decide not to return to work at the end of a career break, you must give your line manager and the University written notice in line with your contract of employment. This must be done before the end of the absence period.
Delayed return due to sickness
If you are unable to return to work on the agreed return date due to sickness, you will need to provide a medical certificate (‘fit note’/MED3 or 5 form) from the first date of your return to work to cover this absence.
Returning to the same post
We will endeavour for you to return to your previous job role after a career break. Or if this is not possible, to a post that is similar in terms of duties, skills and your terms and conditions which applied before the career break.
Returning parents support fund
We are currently running a pilot support scheme for academics returning to work after parental leave.
We are offering up to £5,000 to help academics returning from all forms of parental leave with the transition back into work. Find out about the new funding, who is eligible and how to access it.
Recruiting to the vacant post
The vacant post will normally be covered as a fixed-term appointment or could be offered as a secondment opportunity. Requests for replacement will be subject to the usual University procedures for vacancy filling as outlined in the Recruitment and Selection Code of Practice.