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Using the Workplace Wellbeing Wheel to source the support you require

The Workplace Wellbeing Wheel is a tool that outlines areas that are associated with health & wellbeing at work. Today we are focusing on the 'Support' section.

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Workplace Wellbeing Wheel - Support

Workplace Wellbeing Wheel - Support

The sudden onset of the largest work-from-home experiment of all time has altered work environments in ways unimaginable just a few months ago. Beyond the technological adjustments to online meetings and video calls, many of us may also be managing other struggles such as isolation and uncertainty, caring responsibilities, or maybe grief.

Our working lives were changed enormously when lockdown started and as lockdown eases, our working lives will change again.

We may have a lot of mixed feelings about these changes, they may be exciting and something we’ve wished for, or we may be frustrated or upset as we try and figure out how to manage.

During times of uncertainty, it is helpful to remember that you’re not alone in how you feel. Evidence shows that connecting with others including colleagues, friends, networks and the wider community, promotes wellbeing, and helps build your support network.

Meaningful conversations about mental health and wellbeing don’t have to be hard conversations. Being able to talk about our mental health, including our thoughts and feelings, is a sign of connection and a good attitude towards health at work.

Plan some time to consider your current support requirements using this Wellbeing Wheel Guide and explore the variety of the resources that can assist you.

  • Many tools and techniques are available from Headspace to support your wellbeing, some examples could be meditations geared toward reducing stress or anxiety, breathing exercises, or thought leadership content on how to deal with negative thoughts and be more empathetic toward others.
  • Supporting your mental health while working from home, helps you think about you.
  • The Mental Health at Work website offers you resources and support across a range of topics.
  • To access expert advice and tips visit NHS: Every Mind Matters for support to help yourself and others to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
  • You can contact one of our volunteer Wellbeing Champions who can talk about and share relevant resources and services with you.
  • Our network of Coaches come from a wide range of roles across the University. Engaging in a coaching conversation can give us the opportunity to take a breath in a safe and supportive environment and explore practical steps for ways forward.
  • The University provides a free and confidential counselling service Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for staff, which is now available remotely.
  • The Education Support Partnership is a 24/7 telephone support line which gives access to professional coaches and counsellors 365 days a year.
  • How to make change work for you looks at what practical steps you can take to help you cope better with changes.
  • Support for Microsoft Teams is available to help you to feel more connected to colleagues if you’re working from home. But don’t rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships. It's easy to get into the habit of only ever texting, messaging or emailing people.
  • If you are in the Education and Research Job Family, have a look at how the Mentoring Scheme can support you.
  • We aim to be an inclusive university, where difference is celebrated, respected and encouraged. Explore the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion resources available to support you.
  • Whilst the Chaplaincy and Muslim Prayer Room on campus are currently closed, Reverend Nigel Rawlinson walks the campus each day and you can contact him by email at


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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