This regulation sets out the rules in relation to the acquisition and disposal of equipment used by the University and applies to all University staff and all equipment purchased from university funds.
All equipment purchased by the University, irrespective of funding source, remains the property of the University until it is disposed of. There are specific arrangements for the disposal of IT equipment.
All equipment purchased by the University must be done so following the Procurement Policy and from approved budgets.
Equipment is split into 2 categories:
- Equipment under £25k including vat which is under the full responsibility of the Head of Department.
- Equipment over £25k including vat. This equipment is eligible for capitalisation when the purchase order for its acquisition is coded to account code 64*2 or a capital project. As this equipment is capitalised it will be recorded within the fixed asset register of the finance system and this is maintained by the Finance and Procurement Office (F&PO).
Equipment over £25k
Equipment verification
Periodically each department will be sent an equipment verification form to confirm the equipment held by the department. This form must be returned to the FA team as per the deadline set. Furthermore there will be periodic and random ad-hoc physical verifications by members of the F&PO through the year of a selection of equipment included on the department listings. The central asset register for equipment over £25,000
Please ensure that before a decision has been made regarding the correct method of disposal, you must first determine if the item is in working order and therefore in saleable or re-usable condition, it may be that the item has only recycle or scrap value.
All equipment that has been capitalised needs to have a high value asset disposal form completed and sent to the Finance and Procurement Office so that the disposal can be recorded in the finance system. If a disposal is not properly recorded then it is possible depreciation will continue to be charged to the Department for equipment it no longer holds.
Where equipment is not capitalised then it is the responsibility of the Head of Department to ensure the arrangements for the disposal are appropriate for the particular equipment item(s) and that the Department register is updated where the items included due to its initial cost. Guidance on lower value equipment disposals can be found on the Low value equipment disposal guide and form, see attached.
IT Equipment
The same general equipment rules apply to IT equipment as General equipment, except in respect of disposal, additional considerations are as follows.
Security of IT equipment
Any fixed computer equipment with an order valued of over £8k must be accompanied by an order for a computer safe ideally secured by an anchor plate in order to protect the computer processor unit and micro-chips within. The security device should be approved by the Loss Prevention Council.
Temporary Removal of IT equipment from Campus
To facilitate home working staff may remove IT equipment to support hybrid working. This equipment should be stored securely and safely whilst in transit or at an employee’s home address. Departments should maintain a list of staff and what IT equipment they hold.
IT Equipment should not be permanently removed from campus.
Disposal of IT equipment
IT Equipment including but not limited to laptops, tablets and desktops must be returned to DDaT, through Department IT Supporter when it fails, is replaced or the staff member using it leaves the University. DDaT will determine the appropriate actions to safely and securely recycle or dispose of the equipment. In exceptional cases this might include the sale of the equipment and in this case the proceeds would be transferred back to the department. No Department should make its own arrangement for disposing of IT equipment.
VAT Exemptions
Where an item of equipment has been acquired taking advantage of VAT exemption or concession including but not limited to the medical equipment exemption (701/6) then the Head of Department is responsible for ensuring that a log of the use of the equipment must be established and maintained for a minimum of 4 years from acquisition. Further guidance on this matter can be obtained from the Finance and Procurement Office, VAT queries.
Removal of non-IT Equipment from Campus
When equipment is to be removed from campus, on loan or otherwise, prior authorisation must be obtained from the Head of Department, using the appropriate form authorisation for temporary removal of equipment from campus. Security staff are authorised to challenge individuals who are seen to be removing any equipment from the site.
General Equipment loaned to the University
When equipment is loaned to the University it should be recorded on the departmental list of assets as loaned. It would not form part of the University’s fixed assets as there is no “cost” value associated with the equipment. Equipment loaned is automatically covered by the University’s insurance up to a value of £250,000. Equipment loaned of a higher value should be notified directly to the Insurance Officer
Transfer of Research Grants.
If an item of equipment has been fully funded from a Research grant and that grant is transferred to another organisation then the Head of Department may agree to the equipment being transferred, or that the equipment is sold to the other organisations with the proceeds being used to fund a replacement item of equipment to support the ongoing needs of the Department.
Heads of Departments are responsible for the implementation of this regulation within their respective Departments and for its communication to their staff and students as appropriate.
The F&PO are responsible for maintaining the fixed asset listing of all equipment items costing more than £25k and for providing procurement support to departments in relation to pre-acquisition checks and assessments and obtaining value for money.
DDaT are responsible for the receipt of IT equipment from departments and for its recycling or disposal.
The Deputy Director HR (Safety & Wellbeing Services) is responsible for advising on the related legal requirements; for keeping the University’s Health and Safety website up to date with the relevant arrangements, instructions and guidance; and for ensuring that spot checks and audits are carried out to provide assurance that activities are being carried out in compliance with this regulation.