The University recognises the contribution made by its Associate Deans, Heads of Department, Professoriate and Senior Staff.
A Professorial Remuneration Procedure was introduced in April 2022 which defines a set of processes for the financial remuneration of all members of the Professoriate. We want people to progress and succeed and this procedure delivers an overall approach which recognises performance, delivers progression and is fair and inclusive.
Pay reviews will be held in November each year and will consider applications for progression within and between pay bands.
How to apply
To apply, please visit the professorial pay review webpage. You will need to complete an application form and submit it to your Head of Department by the deadlines set each year.
Criteria and assessment
The Professorial Remuneration Procedure has introduced a new framework to consider applications. Please refer to the procedure for guidance on the information required from you in your application and the assessment process.