We support the transfer of students onto our courses from courses offered by other higher education providers through accreditation of prior learning and we support the transfer of our students to other higher education providers through the provision of transcripts and intermediate awards. Our arrangements for student transfers are facilitated by the award of credit in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Our courses also conform to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of Degree-Awarding Bodies in England, Wales and Northern Ireland which provides other Higher Education Institutions with assurance about the academic standards of our awards.
Students transferring to the University of Bath
(a) Accreditation of Prior Learning
Students wishing to transfer onto a course at the University of Bath from a course delivered by another Higher Education provider can apply for accreditation of their prior learning (APL). Where there is evidence that a student has already achieved the learning outcomes of particular units, credits may be awarded in the form of exemptions from these units. APL is available to students wishing to join our undergraduate courses and our taught postgraduate courses.
(b) Recognised direct entry qualifications
For entry in 2022
Due to improved A level and IB Diploma results, we accepted a larger number of students than normal in 2021. Given these higher numbers in our current Year 1, we do not have space to consider additional students joining Year 2 in 2022 directly from other universities.
Those studying elsewhere who wish to be considered at the University of Bath would be welcome to apply for entry into Year 1. Applicants will be considered on the grades achieved before entering their current university, alongside those applying with achieved grades who have not enrolled elsewhere. We may also consider an applicant’s performance at their current university for evidence of continued engagement with their education.
For entry in 2023 and beyond
Some qualifications awarded by other providers will be recognised as equipping students for direct entry to the second (or in the case of 4-year taught programmes, the third) year of an undergraduate course. Consideration of direct entry qualifications is undertaken by our Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach Office.
We require undergraduate applicants who wish to be considered for advanced standing to apply using the standard UCAS process. This helps us to ensure that the applicant receives all relevant information about student funding, visa processes and other aspects of the admissions process, as well as facilitating the validation of the student’s prior academic record through provision of a reference and helping to identify any gaps in an applicant’s prior study pattern.
(c) Articulation arrangements
The University has some collaborative arrangements in place, underpinned by articulation agreements, which allow students who have successfully completed specified learning at our partner provider to enter directly into the second, third or fourth year of particular courses we offer. The partner provider will make these arrangements known to eligible students.
Students transferring to another Higher Education provider
(a) Student transcripts
All of our continuing students have the opportunity to generate their own “self-service” transcripts and “self-service” records of assessment. The former show individual unit marks and the latter show the results of each individual assessment item as well as the unit result. If a transcript is required by another HE provider, our students can apply for the University to issue a transcript. The transcript also shows the number of ECTS credits awarded.
(b) Certificates for Exit Awards
If a student wishes to leave an undergraduate course before completing it, they may be eligible for a certificate providing evidence of any intermediate award that they have successfully completed. Examples include the Certificate of Higher Education, Diploma of Higher Education and Postgraduate Certificate. If another provider wished to verify that the award had been approved before it has been conferred, a student can request an “award verification letter” from Academic Registry.
Students transferring between courses at the University of Bath
Continuing students wishing to transfer between courses at the University of Bath should contact their Director of Studies in the first instance. Wherever possible, we will facilitate the transfer of students from full-time study to sandwich mode study, or vice versa. It is also possible to transfer between courses, particularly where there is significant common content in the first year(s) of study.
Credit accumulation and transfer schemes
We adopted the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was originally developed to support the Erasmus programme. Under ECTS, a full-time academic year of study on an undergraduate course corresponds to 60 credits. ECTS credits facilitate student transfers across the European Union. ECTS credits are readily translated into Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) credits as one ECTS credit is the equivalent of two CATS credits.