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Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing

We provide help, advice and support to effectively manage health and safety and also provide wellbeing services to staff.

Safety management

Read the policies, standards and procedures we have in place to help you manage workplace risks.

Health and Safety policy

The University’s policy setting out our commitment to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all members of the University community.

Risk assessment

This guidance supports line managers to make a suitable and sufficient assessment of significant hazards associated with the work activities they manage.

Health and safety inspections

This guidance supports managers to make arrangements for a general health and safety inspection programme or perform general health and safety inspections.

Health and wellbeing

Find out about keeping yourself healthy in the workplace, including how you can get support through our wellbeing provider.

Staff wellbeing

Stones balanced on one another representing support

We promote staff wellbeing at work by providing information, advice and support to create a community and workplace that is thriving, sustainable and safe.

Health Assured: wellbeing support

An image of a phone with contact us on the screen

Free and confidential counselling for staff 24/7, 365 days a year, plus access to practical wellbeing support and information. Get in touch on 0800 028 0199.

Fire safety and emergency arrangements

How we reduce the risk of fire and make sure we can respond effectively to emergencies and unnexpected incidents.

Fire evacuation

The arrangements for evacuating our buildings safely in event of an emergency.

Fire safety policy

The University’s fire safety policy sets out our commitment to ensuring the safety of all members of the University in the event of a fire.

Travel and work off campus

Keep safe while working and travelling off campus.

Science and engineering

Find out about staying safe when using specialist equipment and techniques in science and engineering work.

Hazardous Waste Management Policy

This guide provides information on the management of hazardous waste from all areas and activities at the University, including laboratories and workshops

Building and estates safety

Read about how we maintain safety standards in University buildings and for contractors working on campus.

Asbestos management policy

This document describes how the University will manage risks associated with asbestos and asbestos-containing materials.

Legionella control policy

This policy sets out the University’s approach to managing significant legionella risks associated with water systems.

About us

We advise on all health and safety matters connected with the work of the University. This includes providing advice, guidance and support on:

  • complying with legal and best practice standards
  • policy standards and guidance
  • health, safety and wellbeing risks associated with University activities

We manage the University's Occupational Health and Employee Assistance Programme contracts and lead on the staff-facing elements of the University's Wellbeing Action Plan.