Academic Assembly
We are a statutory body representing academic staff in the governance structure of the University.
We discuss and declare opinions on any matter relating to the University. This can be any matter referred to us by the Senate, and we submit resolutions to the Senate according to section 22.4 of the Statutes.
The full responsibilities of the committee are detailed in the terms of reference.
At its meeting on 30 October 2019, Academic Assembly passed this resolution regarding declaring a climate emergency.
Find out about our meeting dates and read the minutes of our meetings.
Find our Agenda deadlines for submitting papers in the 2023/24 academic year
- Dr Sabina Gheduzzi, (Chair), term of office 31 July 2027
- Professor Phil Taylor, Vice-Chancellor and President, ex-officio
- Vacancy, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio
- Professor Sarah Hainsworth, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), ex-officio
- Professor Cassie Wilson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience), ex-officio
- Professor Julian Chaudhuri, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), ex-officio
- Kate Robinson, University Librarian, ex-officio
**And all staff in the Education and Research Job Family (Senate minute 12827, 22nd October 2008)
Review of membership of Academic Assembly
On the recommendation of Academic Assembly, Senate considered the proposed revision of the membership of Academic Assembly as set out in Paper S08/09-7.
It was noted that the Chair of Academic Assembly would be notified by the Department of Human Resources of any new roles added to the Education and Research Job Family in future.
AGREED that:
full membership of Academic Assembly be extended to all staff in the Education and Research Job Family, as listed in Annex 1 of Paper S08/09-7 and replacing the previous groups designated by Senate;
pursuant to i) above, the current exclusion of part-time staff with an FTE of less than 0.33 from the membership of Academic Assembly be removed.
Dr Sabina Gheduzzi, Chair of Academic Assembly, welcomes your comments at
In attendance
- Katie Anderton, Governance Partner