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Church Directory - page 3

Here are a few of the churches in Bath to get your search started. Each one has students in the congregation and you can click to view a video or see more.

There are four churches on each page: Page 1 | Page 2 | This page | Page 4

Widcombe Baptist

Widcome Baptist describes itself as "a church committed to God's Word and applying it to our lives". They meet twice each Sunday to hear clear, relevant and Biblically faithful preaching and to speak the truth in love to one another in songs, prayer and fellowship. After the morning service, they offer student lunch followed by talks and discussion specifically for students called Grounded.

More about Widcombe Baptist

Life Church

Life Church, previously known as Bath City Church, grew out of the house church movement. They began in 1968 with a handful of students from the University of Bath, and are now about 500 adults plus children. They are passionate about encountering God's presence through worship, inspirational teaching and authentic relationship to bring cultural change to our city and nation. Life Church is based in the city centre in an old converted 1930s cinema building called 'the Forum'.

More about Life Church

Christ Church

Christ Church is a liberal and inclusive Anglican Church with a strong musical tradition and a choir which forms a central part of the worship. They have a long history of welcoming students, and many chose to become more closely involved in church life: leading church groups, singing in the choir or taking part in community outreach.

More about Christ Church

St Philips and St James

We are a family that is passionate about the manifest presence of God. Rooted in our identity as His beloved sons and daughters, we’re learning how to delight in Him; to camp around the presence; and to move in the power of the Spirit. We love the Bible; we’re big on worship and prophetic prayer; and we go after the gifts and fruit of the Spirit. We long to see the rising generation grow in intimacy with Jesus and walking in their inheritance. We believe that God’s heart is for revival and that He has a plan for us, our neighbourhood and the city. We’d love you to join us on the journey!

More about St Philips and St James

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