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Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) Induction Week Timetable

During Welcome Week 2021 you must attend department and central welcome events.


Help with Technology

If you need assistance with any IT, please contact the IT helpdesk before your induction sessions

We will set up a Microsoft Team for your course. You can use this to ask questions and start to get to know the people on your course.

Starting Your Doctorate - Compulsory induction module

All new doctoral students are required to complete our Starting Your Doctorate online course. You can do this at your own pace but must be completed by Friday 22 October 2021. You will need your Bath username and password to access this course.

Doctoral Welcome Sessions

All new doctoral students are invited to attend a Doctoral Welcome Session, organised by the Doctoral College. We have multiple dates for you to choose from. Please check your timetable below and book a relevant session. You are welcome to choose either an online or an in-person session.

Book an in-person session by visiting our registration pages.

Book an online session by visiting our registration pages.

Welcome events run from Monday 27 September to Sunday 3 October 2021.

Find out where to go

Look at our campus map to get directions to your sessions.

Your timetable

Monday 27 September

Start Finish Location Description
11.00am 2.00pm 4W Level 1 Foyer Informal 'Come to Bath' day - student-led campus tours, registration, library cards etc.
2.00pm 4.00pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Meet your co-factor - socialise with current PhD students over pizza.

Tuesday 28 September

Start Finish Location Description
10.00am 10.15am 4W Level 1 Foyer SAMBa group photos - all students and SAMBa team
10.15am 10.45am 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre SAMBa welcome
10.45am 11.15am 4W Level 1 Foyer Tea and coffee
11.15am 12.05pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Departmental Welcome - Hear from the Head of Department, Union, SIAM, PG Seminars, Socials, and Bathematicians.
12.15pm 1.05pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre PGT + SAMBa 1st Years Welcome (Ben Adams)
2.15pm 3.05pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Library Induction (Tamsin Reilly)
3.15pm 5.15pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Unit choices check - chat to Alex Cox and Matt Nunes about your choices (optional).

Wednesday 29 September

Start Finish Location Description
9.30am 12.30pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Tutoring Training (Dr Antal Jarai)
12.30pm 1.00pm Lunch break (lunch provided)
1.00pm 3.00pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Tutoring Training (Dr Antal Jarai)
3.15pm 5.15pm 4W 1.7 Wolfson Theatre Unit choices check - chat to Alex Cox and Matt Nunes about your choices (optional).

Thursday 30 September

Start Finish Location Description
9.15am 5.05pm EB 0.7 Software Training: UNIX & GIT (Dr Eike Mueller & Margaret Duff (SAMBa PhD student) - Software training in UNIX & GIT

Friday 1 October

Start Finish Location Description
11.15am 2.05pm EB 0.7 SAMBa PhD students - Software training in R, Python, MATLAB, LaTeX
2.30pm 4.30pm Meet in 4W Level 1 foyer Maths PG social activity

Make sure you check your emails regularly. Sometimes we need to change the times and locations of Welcome Week events but we’ll email you the new details if that happens.

As well as these compulsory events, you can also get involved in optional activities run by The SU.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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