Working specifications
Nimbus is hosted on the powerful and highly scalable Microsoft Azure platform, which offers virtually unlimited on-demand HPC computing and storage to meet your specific research needs.
The cloud environment includes the Azure CycleCloud tool, which give you a simple way to configure workloads. It also lets you optimise and scale the HPC infrastructure to meet your evolving research needs. CycleCloud includes the open source Slurm workload manager.
- 2 TB Home storage for user log in
- Up to 256 TB Campaign area for data storage
- Full integration with University of Bath home drive storage
- HBv2-series, HBv3-series, HB-series offering from 16 to 120 AMD CPUs and HC-series offering 44 INTEL CPUs per node
- Fsv2-series offering from 2 to 72 CPUs per node
- NCv3-series, NDv2-series offering from 1 to 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs per node
Network fabrics
- Mellanox EDR InfiniBand (100 Gb/sec or 200 Gb/s depending on the series)
Software environment
- Azure CycleCloud for automated configuration and management of the HPC environment
- Slurm for cluster job scheduling
- Modules environment for managing software and applications
- Connect via Secure Shell (SSH) or Open OnDemand (HTTPS)
Use Nimbus for your research
Nimbus is available to academic researchers, PhD students and undergraduate students at the University.
Find out what you need to do to use Nimbus and request access.