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Alumni Fund Placement Grants

A guide for students applying for an Alumni Fund Placement Grant

Henry France, MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Professional Placement, on placement at Hibernian Football Club in Edinburgh
Henry France, MSci(Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Professional Placement, on placement at Hibernian Football Club in Edinburgh

Application process

Thanks to the generosity of alumni and other friends, the Alumni Fund is able to offer awards of £2,000 to support undergraduate student placements.

Placements must be unpaid, low-paid or pay only a modest stipend.

You are only eligible to apply if you have not yet started your placement. If you apply for a grant and are successful but then your placement plans change (for instance, if your placement is cancelled) you will not automatically retain the grant.

Applications for the fund will open on Monday 12 February 2024.

The deadline for applications is midnight on Wednesday 7 June 2024.

The reviewing panel can award grants prior to the deadline, at their discretion, if there are special circumstances.

Complete the application form.

Each year, the application form is combined with that for the Humanities & Social Sciences Placement Bursaries.

If you are an H&SS student and are unsuccessful in your application for the Alumni Fund bursaries, you will automatically be considered for the H&SS bursaries. Merging the application forms has been done in order to simplify the process for applicants.


Applicants for an Alumni Fund Placement Grant must be an eligible Home UK undergraduate student who will be undertaking a placement year in 2024-25*.

You also meet one or more of the following criteria. The University must have a record of your eligibility in each category you disclose in order to support your application:

  • You have a student loans household income assessment of £42,875 or below
  • Your home is in an area where there is a low participation of young people progressing into higher education
  • Your school or college performance is below average
  • You are a care leaver
  • You or your family receive a state means-tested benefit
  • You have an Access to HE Diploma
  • You are 'irreconcilably estranged' from your parents or guardians
  • You are a young carer
  • You are a refugee or asylum seeker

Applicants must also demonstrate a shortfall in the funding required to complete their placement. If you are unsure if you meet these criteria, please contact Student Money Advice.

Please watch this short video for tips and advice on producing a successful supporting statement.

Please use this form to submit enquiries to the grant panel.

*Eligible UK students are those assessed as eligible for tuition fee and maintenance loans, as determined by Student Finance England, or other relevant UK student loans awarding agency, and have a Home fees status as determined by the University. When applying for the maintenance element of student loans you should request for these to be based on your household income.

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